Research Committees

RC04 Sociology of Education

Email the RC04 here


RC04 is an active group with annual or bi-annual meetings on sociology of education topics. Regular meetings are held at the World Congress of Sociology (every four years) and at the RC's Midterm Conferences (in-between world congresses); in addition, meetings on special topics are held.

To know more about the history of RC04, go to Bulletin 27 (1981), pp. 39-42.

Board 2023 - 2027

President Marios VRYONIDES, European University Cyprus, Cyprus,
Secretary/Treasurer Shaheeda ESSACK, Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), South Africa,
Vice-Presidents Africa Duncan B HINDLE, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Asia Tien-Hui CHIANG, Anhui Normal University, China
Europe Karina MALDONADO-MARISCAL, TU Dortmund University, Germany
North America Anita Cecilia HIRSCH ADLER, UNAM, Mexico
Oceania Joanna SIKORA, Australian National University, Australia
South America Analia Ines MEO, Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET, Argentina
Past President Marios VRYONIDES, European University Cyprus, Cyprus

Program Coordinators for V ISA Forum of Sociology 2025 are:
Shaheeda ESSACK,


Dues: regular USD 30 - discount USD 10, for a 4-year period.
To become a member, submit a membership application from your user account:


An informative newsletter is mailed to members twice a year. It contains conference abstracts, research summaries and exchange, opinion papers, members news, conference news, country reports.

2023 Jul Dec
2022 Jul Dec
2021 Jul Dec
2020   July/Dec
2019   Dec
2018 Jul Dec
2017 Jul Dec
2016 Jun Dec
2015   Dec
2014   Nov
2013 Jun Dec
2012 Jun Dec
2011 Jun  
2010 Jun Nov
2009 Jul  
2008 Jul Nov