Research Committees

RC08 History of Sociology

Click here for the latest newsletter


To develop international contacts among scholars engaged in studying the history of sociology, to promote research in this field, and to encourage the international dissemination of such research.

To know more about the history of RC08, go to Bulletin 30 (1982), pp. 17-19.

Board 2023-2027

President Fran COLLYER, University of Wollongong, Australia,
Vice-presidents Matteo BORTOLINI, University of Padua, Italy
Joao Marcelo EHLERT MAIA, Brazil
Secretary Diego Ezequiel PEREYRA, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET & Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Argentina,
Treasurer Philipp ALTMANN, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador,
Steering Committee Members Hon-Fai CHEN, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Matthias DULLER, Central European University, Vienna, Austria
Hedvig EKERWALD, Sweden
Paul K. JONES, The Australian National University, Australia
Juan Jesus MORALES MARTIN, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Chile 
Paolo PARRA SAIANI, University of Genoa, Italy
Clara Ines RUVITUSO, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Berlin, Germany
Marek SKOVAJSA, Charles University, Czech Republic
Lidiane SOARES RODRIGUES, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil

Program Coordinator for V ISA Forum of Sociology 2025 is:


Dues USD 30 (USD 15 discount) for a 4 year period.
To become a member, submit a membership application from your user account:


In addition to news of conference plans, RCHS Newsletter also includes lists of members and their addresses, details of new members and their special interests, details of new publications by members, news and notes about such matters as archives, conferences of other bodies, book recommendations, members' work in progress, members' moves and promotions, and obituaries of members who have died. It is hoped to start a series of short accounts of work in the history of sociology incountries whose languages are less widely spoken among the membership, to encourage wider communication. 

2024   May-Jun    
2023   May   Dec
2022     Jul Dec
2021   May   Nov
2020   May   Nov
2019     Aug Dec
2018       Nov
2017   May   Nov
2016   May   Nov
2015   May   Nov
2014   May   Nov
2013   May   Nov
2012   May   Nov
2011   May   Nov
2010 Jan Jun   Nov
2009 Jan   Sep  
2008 Jan   Jul  
2007     Jul  
2006   May   Dec
2005 Mar      
2004 Feb Jun    
2003     Jul Oct
2002 Feb Jun   Nov
2001 Jan Jun   Nov
2000 Jan May   Oct
1999 Jan May Sep  
1998 Mar   Aug  
1997   Apr   Dec
1996 Jan   Jul Dec
1995 Jan Apr   Oct
1994 Feb   Sep  
1993 Mar      
1992     Sep