Research Committees

RC40 Sociology of Agriculture and Food

Established in 1988


To promote and encourage scientific analysis of the social organization of agriculture and food systems; organization of the substantive content of the RC40 sessions of the quadrennial meetings of the ISA World Congress of Sociology; organization of additional international meetings.

If you would like to join RC40 listserv then please contact Hilde BJORKHAUG,

Board 2023 - 2027

President Katharine LEGUN, Wageningen University, The Netherlands,
Secretary/Treasurer Kiah SMITH, The University of Queensland, Australia,
Board Members Hilde BJORKHAUG, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway (Ex-Officio)
Atakan BUKE, Leipzig University, Germany
Angga DWIARTAMA, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia
Madeleine FAIRBAIRN, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Sheila Ngoh MANKA, North-West University, South Africa
Steven WOLF, Cornell University, USA (Ex-Officio)
EC Junior Seat Cynthia GHARIOS, Leipzig University, Germany

Program Coordinator for V ISA Forum of Sociology 2025 is:


The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, an official journal of the ISA RC40, provides a forum for debates about international issues related to food and agriculture.


Category A countries USD 40
Category B countries USD 20
Category C countries USD 10

Table of countries per category

To become a member, submit a membership application from your user account:


2024   Apr    
2023 Jan     Oct
2022     Jul  
2021 Jan   Aug Oct
2020     Sep  
2019     Sep Dec
2018     July Dec
2017     July Dec
2016   Jun   Dec
2015   Jun   Nov
2014   Jun   Dec
2013     Jul Dec
2012   Jun   Dec
2011   Jun   Dec
2010   May   Oct
2009 Jan   Aug  
2008     Aug