XXI ISA World Congress of Sociology
Gwangju, Korea, 2027
Gwangju, Korea, 2027
Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies
Melbourne, Australia, 2023
Power, Violence and Justice:
Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities
Toronto, Canada, 2018
Facing an Unequal World:
Challenges for Global Sociology
Yokohama, Japan, 2014
Sociology on the Move
Gothenburg, Sweden, 2010
The Quality of Social Existence in a Globalising World
Durban, South Africa, 2006
The Social World in the Twenty First Century:
Ambivalent Legacies and Rising Challenges
Brisbane, Australia, 2002
Social Knowledge: Heritage, Challenges, Perspectives
Montréal, Canada, 1998
Contested Boundaries and Shifting Solidarities
Bielefeld, Germany, 1994
Sociology for One World: Unity and Diversity
Madrid, Spain, 1990
Social Change: Problems and Perspectives
New Delhi, India, 1986
Sociological Theory and Social Practice
Mexico City, Mexico, 1982
Paths of Social Development
Uppsala, Sweden, 1978
Science and Revolution in Contemporary Societies
Toronto, Canada, 1974
Contemporary and Future Societies:
Prediction and Social Planning
Varna, Bulgaria, 1970
Unity and Diversity in Sociology:
Sociology of International Relations
Evian, France, 1966
The Sociology of Development
Washington DC, USA, 1962
Society and Sociological Knowledge
Milan and Stresa, Italy, 1959
Problems of Social Science in the 20th Century
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1956
Social Stratification and Social Mobility Intergroup
Conflicts and their Mediation
Recent Developments in Sociological Research
The Training, Professional Activities and Responsibilities of Sociologists
Liege, Belgium, 1953
Sociological Research in its Bearing
on International Relations
The Role of the Citizen in a Planned Society
The Role of Minorities in International Affairs
Zurich, Switzerland, 1950
Oslo, Norway
September 5-10, 1949