Dissertation Abstracts

The student movement of La Plata in the early sixties (1955-1966). Or the history of an "own cold war"

Author: Pis Diez Nayla, nayla.pdiez@gmail.com
Department: Sociology
University: Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
Supervisor: María Cristina Tortti
Year of completion: 2018
Language of dissertation: ES

Keywords: Student Movement , Politicization , New Left , University Reformism
Areas of Research: Historical and Comparative Sociology , Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change , Political Sociology


This thesis takes as a topic the early processes of politicization that took place in the bosom of the student movement of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, in the period that passes between the year 1955 and 1966. In general terms, the above mentioned period was sealed by the convergence between the depletion of the model of accumulation of industrialization by substitution of imports and a strong crisis of legitimacy of the political system, its institutions and general rules. The increasing social discontent and the influence of the Cuban Revolution provoked intense disscusions and reorientations in the left sides, the catholicism and the Peronism; also in the university reformism, central part of the political identity of the Argentine student body. At the same time, the overlap between the politics and the varius spheres of social life, the politization of these and the radicalization of the first one, they marked the tone of those debates. The way in wich the student movement articulated the trade-union fight, the identity reformist and its political positions and adscriptions partial is the central problem of this essay. In this framework, there were investigated displacements that were translated in dissident positions and breaks towards the left respect of the common sense during 1955. Such breaks mark three moments that organize this work: 1956/1957, with the emergence of "frondizismo universitario" and the current reformist of left sides; 1959 with the radicalization of diverse cores of the above mentioned current and its displacement towards the communism, the "new left side" or the trotskism; 1964/1965, where we locate the joint between new groups of left side and Peronist cores. The origin and development of these dissents was analyzed in a double dimension. The ideological one, that it sought to realize from the questions to the identity reformist and/or the resignificances of the same one. Other one politician organizational, analyzed the creation of new political currents and groups, its positions in the map, as well as also the ways of relating the university militancy to the party politics.