Dissertation Abstracts

Activation of Former Industrial Buildings in Cities: Institutional Limitations in Serbia

Author: Cizler, Jasna , cizlerj@gmail.com
Department: Department for Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture
University: University of Belgrade, Serbia
Supervisor: Dr. Nada Lazarević Bajec
Year of completion: In progress
Language of dissertation: Serbian

Keywords: industrial heritage , urban regeneration , civil society partic , creative sector
Areas of Research: Regional and Urban Development , Housing and Built Environment , Environment and Society


This dissertation focuses on defining the ways and conditions for the re-use of abandoned industrial buildings in Serbia. The research focuses on innovative ideas in the activation that have already been applied in developed countries and that are slowly finding their way into Serbia during the transition process. The starting hypothesis of this research is that the institutional framework and the existing policy for activation of these locations in Serbia are inadequate. The second hypothesis is that integration of cultural potentials of industrial heritage and social capital of the civil and creative sector into the the heritage protection and urban development policy may improve the results of protection and activation of the industrial heritage. The task is to investigate the current way in which industrial heritage buildings are activated and gain insight into which institutions are relevant in this process. The research aim is to examine the possibility of transforming and adapting a planning system and its mechanisms and instruments. The proposed, innovative approach would enable greater inclusion of informal initiatives in the system of spatial development. The question is how to facilitate the cooperation among stakeholders and improve the participation of the civil and creative sector in the formal planning system. The research objective is to identify guidelines and principles for this process. The research methodology is qualitative and the data draws on previous research, relevant literature, regulation, and interviews with important actors.