Dissertation Abstracts

Critical Discourse Analysis of Amnesty military policy in Brazil: the dispute for the meanings that expand or restrict rights of military amnesty.

Author: Oliveira, David B, dvdbarol@gmail.com
Department: Law
University: Federal university of Pernambuco, Brazil
Supervisor: Artur Stanford
Year of completion: 2015
Language of dissertation: portuguese

Keywords: Ideology. , Amnesty policy. , Military. , Dispute meanings.
Areas of Research: Law , Language and Society , Political Sociology


The purpose of this work is to analyze the dispute about the sense of political amnesties within the State, observing both speeches and expansion practices and restriction of the rights of military political amnesty. The expansion speeches of the rights granted to amnesty are analyzed in the Ministry of Justice while the practices and restriction speeches of the rights of amnesty happen in the Ministry of Defense. The survey also lies on the representations that military aligned with both types of speech have on the amnesty in order to better understand the characteristics of these speeches. In addition to the discourses and practices of extension / restriction of the rights of amnesty, we are also interested in peer dialogs that these discourses and practices interact with other state spheres. To achieve success in this research, we lay hold of methodological frameworks that allow analyzing the protests, genres, discourses and practices in order to realize the ideological directions made by each group. Thus, the methodology has stirrup in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) by Norman Fairclough and the theory of Mikhail Bakhtin. We are supported by the CDA due to enabling us to analyze the ideological aspects and the power struggles that can be identified in the discourses and social practices. On the other hand, Mikhail Bakhtin favors thinking about the repercussions of the texts and practices of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Defense with other state sectors, such as the judiciary. We have realize that the dispute for the meaning of amnesty is true not only in the state apparatus, but also in society and its movements are equally contending that sense, that far from possessing a legal nature, it is built amid the disputes that the groups and their speeches wish to make it a commonplace.