Dissertation Abstracts

Artist-Workers: Scenes of Work, Organization and Collective Action in Brazil and Portugal

Author: Marques, Joana S, joanamar@live.com
Department: Sociology
University: University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil
Supervisor: Ruy Braga
Year of completion: In progress
Language of dissertation: Portuguese

Keywords: collectivism , artist-worker , collective organization , counter-hegemony
Areas of Research: Futures Research , Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management , Work


This thesis intends to join forces with other works that are dedicated to research and understand alternative forms of social and production organization, taking as object the collectives of artist-workers in Brazil and Portugal, notably the theater collectives. The notion of artist-worker relates to those who are self-conscious of their condition as workers and act politically and aesthetically from that condition. In order to understand the meanings of this collectivism, the methodological strategy integrated the analysis of historical and documentary sources, conducting a survey, interviews, participant observation and the deepening of two empirical studies. Collectivism is envisaged under the double perspective of the forms of collective organization of production and the practices of collective action, which in turn relates to the general context of work and production relations. Our issue lies between the process of work precariousness, self-organizing tactics and emancipatory social transformation.