Dissertation Abstracts

Recognition, identity and socio-territorial rights: aspects of the political life of young Quilombolas in the Marajoara Amazon

Author: Cruz, Edson R. N., rogerio_cruz26@yahoo.com.br
Department: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia e Antropologia (PPGSA)
University: Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Brazil
Supervisor: Maria José da Silva Aquino Teisserenc
Year of completion: In progress
Language of dissertation: Portuguese

Keywords: Quilombola Communities , Recognition , Identity , Youth Leadership
Areas of Research: Youth , Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management , Political Sociology


This study aims to analyze the political protagonism of quilombolas young Salvaterra municipality through the Young Abayomi Group, collective precisely created to serve this purpose. It is, therefore, a case study about the group evidenced and of its performance. The work is based on theory of recognition of Axel Honneth that was associated with the concepts of territorialization and local public action. As the socio-political actor of time is the Young Group Abayomi was also added the concept of youth leadership. We start from the understanding that this collective of young people is one of several actors present in the quilombo territory of the municipality. These actors, in turn, make up the so-called local public action. That is, they act collectively in a specific territory to ensure particular public policy: Essentially, the titling of quilombos land. The study was based on data collection obtained through various sources, such as documentation, photography, structured and semi-structured interviews, archives, newspaper articles, taking account moreover the analysis of cultural elements of the political behavior of the quilombolas from the attitude of individuals considered in the search. Hence keep notes of the observations in a field notebook. It will be seen that the group has fulfilled its protagonist role among the quilombolas young people from Salvaterra. Regarding the theoretical component will be explained how this work - as a case study - can serve the development of analytical generalizations, according to the thinking of Robert Yin (2001).