Dissertation Abstracts

Negotiating Migration, Labour Market Inclusion, and Identities: Dynamics of Vietnamese Skilled Workers in Australia

Author: Phuong T L Thai, thailanphuong@gmail.com
Department: School of Humanities and Social Science
University: The University of Newcastle, Australia
Supervisor: Daniela Heil; Ann Taylor
Year of completion: In progress
Language of dissertation: English

Keywords: labour market integration , middle class , migration , inclusion
Areas of Research: Migration , Professional Groups , labour market


This research aims to bring to the fore migration, settlement, and labour market experiences of the under-researched group of skilled Vietnamese workers in Australia through an iterative analyzing process of empirical findings. The research is informed by 27 semi-structured in-depth interviews tracking pre- and post-emigration experience of 30 skilled Vietnamese workers over 15-20 years. Some interviews with skilled migrants were conducted together with their family members to capture perspectives of each family member, hence, increase a certain level of depth to the analysis of the migration complexities. The research is at the data analysis and writing stages. The preliminary findings yield potential contributions to broader academic debates on the appropriate theoretical understandings in the areas of international and Asian migration studies, including the agency-structure, migration and development binaries, labour market integration, identities and inclusion in multiculturalism. Further, it provides policy implications relating to human capital policies for both origin and host countries and immigration control.