Dissertation Abstracts

Just a Personal Preference? Racialised Eroticisms and Practices, and Sexual Discrimination in Sexual Interaction among Gay and Bi Men

Author: Tiago F Machado Costa, tiagomaccosta@outlook.com
Department: School of Sociology and Social Policy
University: University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Supervisor: Andrew Yip; Esther Bott
Year of completion: In progress
Language of dissertation: English

Keywords: sexual racism , gay men , sexual desire , race
Areas of Research: Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations , Body in the Social Sciences


The research focuses on the case of "racial preferences" and racialised desires and how these are manifested in the sexual partner-selection practices of gay and bisexual men. It seeks to uncover the discourses, power, and perceived ethical substance of these sexual practices from the perspective of the men that actively exclude potential partners on the base of their racialised embodied identity. In doing so, I pay attention to notions of sexual privilege and sexual capital to better understand collective sexual life and the fluid constructions of desirability. The methodology used is a multi-method qualitative design using vignette-focused interviews and digital diaries. Ultimately, this project seeks to develop our understanding of the relationship between structural inequalities and sexual sociability and sexual dating practices, as well as a greater knowledge on the ethical considerations behind sexual 'preferences' in an increasingly individualistic society.