Dissertation Abstracts

Sociological Research of Tourism Development in Kazakhstan: A Comparative Analysis

Author: Khalida, Mamanova , khalidamamanova@gmail.com
Department: Sociology
University: Kazakh National Pedagogical University by Abay, Kazakhstan
Supervisor: M.S.Sadyrova doc.of Social sciences, professor
Year of completion: In progress
Language of dissertation: Kazakh

Keywords: tourism as a social , sociological research , tourism , tourism institute of
Areas of Research: Tourism, International , Comparative Sociology , Social Transformations and Sociology of Development


The main purpose of current dissertation work is the study of the development of tourism in Kazakhstan and in Turkey.
In recent decades, modern tourism has grown in its social importance. In the beginning, tourism was a form of social activity and organization of leisure time; later, it took a certain place in society, and became integrated into social relations, political, ideological and value structures, and began to act as a social institution. In different societies, the formation and development of tourism depends on factors which may help or hinder the formation of tourism as a social institution.
By means of comparative analysis of tourism institutes in Kazakhstan and Turkey, the researcher found features of formation and development of tourism institutes in both countries.
The research constructed a portrait of Kazakh tourist and highlighted the consumer features of modern international tourist and new trends of international tourism.
These findings provide suggest ways organize tourism in Kazakhstan. The experience of the Turkish tourism development model, a leading institutional model of tourism in the world, can be the best example for Kazakhstan to pursue development.