Research Committees
RC13 Statutes were written by Dr Gybrgy Fukasz, Hungary and adopted at RC13 Meeting in April1979. Subsequently revised by Professor Ishwar Modi, India, and approved by RC13 Board Members in March 2013.
The Research Committee on Sociology of Leisure is referred to hereinafter as RC13.
RC13 is a statutory body of the ISA. It was established in 1970 to achieve the aims of the ISA, and to promote research and scholarship related to the sociology of leisure.
- To promote international cooperation in the field of the activities of the RC.
- To promote and exchange theoretical and practical knowledge and information among all countries and experts concerning the results of research on leisure.
- To convene international seminars, symposia, meetings on leisure.
- To prepare and circulate reports about the development and problems of leisure in different countries and regions.
- To cooperate with the ISA and other organizations, groups, committees in order to solve tasks of general interest.
- To promote organized documentation on leisure in cooperation with other documentation centers.
- To identify sociological problems in leisure and organize international research projects.
- To cooperate with other scientific organizations on an interdisciplinary basis, and to promote fundamental and applied research on leisure.
- To act as an advisory editorial board to the international review Loisir et Societe / Society and Leisure, currently published at Les Presses de I'Universite du Quebec, Quebec, Canada.
- To bring out a journal on behalf of RC13.
- Membership is open to all individuals and institutions working in the field of sociology of leisure and related disciplines.
- Membership can be distinguished into two types:
- “Regular members in good standing” are defined those members who paid membership fees to both RC13 and ISA.
- “Affiliated members” are defined those members who paid membership fees only to RC13.This distinction applies to both individual and institutional members.
- Regular members in good standing are entitled:
- To receive travel grants made by RC13, subject to such rules of eligibility as are established by the Officers or Board of RC13;
- To vote at the General Meeting of RC13 that usually takes place during ISA World Congresses or by electronic ballot.
- All members are entitled:
- To receive the RC13 Newsletter and such other publications as RC13 may issue;
- To obtain at reduced cost any publications on which RC13 has negotiated special rates for members.
- All members are obliged:
- To observe the statutes of RC13;
- To carry out conscientiously any tasks entrusted to them by the General Meeting or other competent bodies of RC13;
- To pay membership fees at the rates which are periodically fixed by the officers or Board of RC13;
The Board of RC13 is constituted of the President, three Vice-Presidents, the Executive Secretary (and Treasurer) and other elected Members. The Board can consist of up to 24 members including three ex-officio members from amongst the past Presidents. The Board is responsible for decision making and carrying on the business of the RC. Its members serve a four year term. The Board deals with the editorial activities and with the documentation of the RC. The President in consultation with the Board is empowered to constitute committees for various purposes.
All regular members have the right to participate in the election of the President; Vice-Presidents, Executive Secretary and the Board Members. It is useful to divide functions according to regions.
The election of the Board is held every four years. No member of the Board can be elected more than twice consecutively in the same position. The Board is the agency for business matters, and may make decisions if 50% of its members including the President or the Vice-Presidents or the Executive Secretary are present. The Board also may make decisions in the absence of the President, who may delegate his vote to another member. Whenever advisable, a mail ballot vote of all members will be arranged.
Decisions will be taken when there is a simple majority of those voting unless otherwise specified in this document.
The RC will set up a Secretariat to ensure regular communication with all the members about activities and plans, headed by the Secretary.
Business Meeting of the RC is held every four years at the occasion of the ISA World Congress. Meetings of the Board are held as frequently as possible. Announcements of meetings must be sent out at least two months before scheduled meeting, together with a provisional agenda by the President or when requested by the Secretary. At each meeting the place and date of the next meeting be provisionally fixed so far as possible. Â Matters of importance may as well be taken up with an advanced notification of one month through electronic communication.
The President represents the RC in all matters. He/she may ask another member of the Board to represent him, such as a Vice-President, or the Secretary, or in the case they cannot be, any other member of the Board. No one can be President of more than one RC.
Vice-Presidents should be assigned special duties including relations with other bodies and organizations.
The Executive Secretary, in consultation with the President and the Vice-Presidents, is responsible for executing the business of the Board of the RC. He/she is the head of the Secretariat. In agreement with the President, he/she is responsible for the correspondence of the RC and prepares the agenda of the meetings of the Board. He/she reports all decisions of the Board to the ISA. He/she is responsible for editing a Leisure Newsletter for the information of all the members. The Secretary-Treasurer shall also:Â collect the membership fees and other incomes; maintain the financial documentation; prepare the financial report to the Board to be accepted by the General Meeting; and realise the financial relations between RC13 and the ISA.
The financial basis of the RC depends on:
- Membership fees;
- Grants from related organizations:
- Other organizations connected to the RC.
- Donations from organizations and associations which agree with the aims of the RC.
- The election for the Office Bearers (The President, three Vice Presidents and the Executive Secretary/Treasurer) and Board Members shall take place at the General Meeting or by electronic ballot.
- All RC13 members in good standing shall be eligible to vote, either by electronic ballot or at the General Meeting.
- All nominations must be submitted to the Returning Officer (appointed by the President in consultation with the Office Bearers) 3 months before the General Meeting, i.e. 3 months before the first day of the ISA World Congress. All nominations must bear the signatures of two RC13 members in good standing other than the nominee. E-mails supporting a candidate replace a signature. Candidates must submit a candidature statement and a short CV.
- If no nominations have been received in time, the officers of RC13 shall be empowered to nominate officers and members of the Board.
- The minimum quorum for the General Meeting shall be 20 members.
- Voting shall be by secret ballot during the Business Meeting and also by electronic means.
Amendments to the Statutes will be made only by absolute majority of all members of the Board. All proposed amendments will be submitted to members of the Board in writing at least sixty days before the date of a meeting. Amendments may also be presented at the statutory meetings of the RC.