Research Committees


Article 1. Nature of RC30

  1. The RC30 has been established in accordance with Article Four of the Statutes of the International Sociological Association (ISA)
  2. Funds for the RC30 may be raised from membership fees; grants and gifts from organisations or individuals; conferences, publications; investment of the committee's own capital; or any other means as the Board may decide in accordance within the principles as set out in Article 2.

Article 2. The aims of RC30 are:

  1. to establish contacts and to encourage collaboration among scholars working in the field of sociology of work throughout the world
  2. to enhance international co-operation and exchange in theoretical and empirical research in the sociology of work
  3. to link theoretical and empirical research in the sociology of work with related specialist fields or disciplines such as economics sociology, industrial relations, organisation studies, labour economics, labour law, labour history and critical management theory
  4. to act as the international representative body of the Sociology of Work

Article 3. Activities of RC30

  1. The committee cannot itself engage in research activities

The committee should:

  1. encourage research among its members and others and serve as a conduit for research ideas and collaboration internationally.
  2. organise sessions at meetings of the ISA
  3. provide information on significant developments in the field through publications and other means such as regular newsletters, journals and other special conferences
  4. sponsor international seminars of theoretical, methodological or substantive importance and sponsor international training seminars to add to the skills of researchers in the field

Article 4. Membership

  1. Membership is open to any individual in good standing in the ISA who seeks membership through an interest in the sociology of work and pays the membership fee; also any group, organisation or institution may become associate members with the approval of the Board
  2. All members in good standing have the same voting rights, may nominate and be nominated as office bearers of the Board
  3. All members should be entitled to receive the RC30 Newsletter and any other publications

Article 5. Governing body (Board)

The Composition of the Board will be that of:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • 7 Members (including Congress Programme Co-ordinator)
  • Associate members (including former Presidents)

Each member of the RC's Board shall be a regular member of the ISA


The Board should meet at least once every two years: once before the General Meeting and once between the two World congresses. The latter meeting will discuss the programme of the coming congress. A quorum of three members of the Board is required. At this meeting, or prior, the Board will draw up an Agenda for the Congress General Meeting. Election of the new Board will be on the Agenda. The new incoming Board will then meet after the General Meeting to plan activities for the following 4 years.

Article 6. Election procedures

The term of office of Board members is four years (from one Congress to the next). The President and Secretary can only be elected for two terms.

Nominations for Board members may be lodged prior to or during the Congress General Meeting. Nominations for the ten positions will be presented and, if there are more nominations than positions available, an election will be held separately for each of the positions, namely: President, Secretary, Treasurer, and other Board Members.

At the General Meeting, the candidate with a simple majority shall be elected to the positions of President, Secretary and Treasurer. Candidates for Board Membership will be listed and a show of hands will be given for each candidate. The seven candidates with the most votes will be deemed elected.

Voting on other issues outside the Congress is to be by postal ballot, conducted by the Secretary. Replacement of officers of the Board between Congresses will be made by the Board. If more Board members are required because of resignation or death, they may be co-opted by majority agreement of existing Board members.

Article 7. Rights, responsabilities

The Board is entrusted with the direction of the activities of the committee and to nominate a representative (and one alternate) for the Research Council of the ISA.

  • President: general co-ordination
  • Treasurer: finance, subscriptions and membership data
  • Secretary: membership communications, editing of newsletter
  • Others: to be determined by the Board, including the Congress Programme Coordinator

Article 8. Relations with other organisations

Relations with other organisations may be established by the Committee or by the Board as is deemed useful, or necessary in accordance with the aims and objectives of RC30.

Article 9. Changes & amendments to statutes

Changes and amendments to the Statutes may be made at the Congress General Meeting. Changes and amendments must be passed with a two thirds majority of the meeting.

Ray Jureidini (December 1994)