Research Committees


RC31 Statutes were adopted in 2003, then revised in 2014 and 2020.


The goal of the RC 31 is to advance sociological knowledge on Sociology of Migration throughout the world. Its general objectives are to promote high quality research on migration and the international exchange of scientific information in this field. Research Committee 31 on Migration works in accordance with Article 4 of the statutes of the ISA.


To bring these objectives to realization, RC 31 will carry out the following activities:

  • organize sessions at the ISA's World Congresses of Sociology
  • organize at least one additional international meeting (Intercongress Meeting) between theISA World Congresses where migration researchers come together to exchange information and collaborate
  • publish a newsletter (twice a year) mailed to all members in good standing to keep them informed of ongoing and planned activities
  • any other activities that promote the objectives of RC 31


Any scientist who is interested and who is working in the field of migration can become a member of RC 31.

Most of the members will be sociologists, but also colleagues like political scientists, demographers etc. can become a member.

A member of RC 31 has to pay the applicable membership fee of RC31.

It is recommended to any member of RC 31 to join the ISA as individual member but the ISA membership is not a precondition to join the RC 31.

RC 31 members in good standing have the right:

  • to vote for Board elections
  • to propose themselves or others for Board membership
  • to propose themselves or others for organizers of the RC 31 sessions in the World Congress
  • to propose themselves or others for organizers of the RC 31 Intercongress Meetings
  • to participate and vote in Business Meetings of the RC 31
  • to participate in all other activities of RC 31
  • to receive the Newsletters mailed by the Secretary of RC 31


The Board shall consist of 9 members. An effort will be made to ensure a fair regional, national and gender representation as to the number and origin of the members, and also that each Board consists of some continuing and some new members. The Board has one President, one or two Vice- Presidents, one Secretary/Treasurer.

Each member of the RC 31's Board has to be an individual member of the ISA.

The duties of the Board are:

  • to organize the activities of the RC 31
  • to represent the RC 31 in the ISA and elsewhere
  • to manage the funds of the RC 31

The RC31 President will, in consultation with the rest of the Board, nominate (from the membership of RC31) a delegate and an alternate to the ISA Research Council in advance of the World Congress (and any inter-congress meeting where the ResearchCouncil will meet).

Board meetings must be called by at least three members of the Board at least two months before the meeting. A Board meeting can only take valid decisions if 2/3 of the Board members are present, or if an immediately proceeding Board meeting has been called without reaching this quorum. In general Board meetings will be held during the World Congresses and the Intercongress
Meetings. Board decisions can also be taken by mail ballot among the Board members. The Board takes its decision by simple majority.

Elections to the Board of RC 31 will be held every four years by email ballot. Terms begin and end at each World Congress.

Elections to the Board will be held as follows:

  1. Elections will be organised in the 6-month period prior to the ISA World Congress.
  2. An “elections officer” (selected by the current Board) will invite nominations (including self-nomination), open to all current RC31 members (including PhD students). Candidates may stand for one position (general board membership, or one officer post). The elections officer will explicitly encourage nominations from members in countries belonging to ISA’s membership categories “B” and “C”.
  3. The current Board will check the nominations received, to ensure eligibility (membership, term limits, standing for only one position). If no nominations from countries in categories B and C are received, the board will once more invite nominations from the relevant members. 
  4. The elections officer will distribute the approved nominations to all members and invite votes. Members may vote for one candidate for each officer position and up to six candidates for board membership. 
  5. For officer positions, the candidate with the most votes will gain the position.
  6. For general board membership positions, the top six candidates will gain the positions, except that an additional condition will be imposed if necessary: unless the Board was unsuccessful in generating the relevant nominations (i.e., as in #5 above), the selected board must consist of at least one member from a category “B” country and one member from a category “C” country. For that purpose, the Board will select the top vote-getter in each category, even if candidates from those countries did not gain sufficient votes to put them in the top six.
  7. Members may not serve more than 2 continuous terms (of four years each) as a general board member. However, one additional term as an officer is allowed.


A Business Meeting Assembly is held at least every four years, preferably at the ISA World Congress. The meeting is chaired by the President or by one Vice-President of the RC 31. Votes can only be cast by RC 31 members in good standing who are present at the Meeting. The duties of the Assembly are:

  • to evaluate and approve the four-year-report
  • to discharge the outgoing Board of its responsibilities, including the financial statement
  • to discuss and carry motions on any other point that may arise.

Decisions in a Business Meeting Assembly are taken by simple majority.


The RC 31 will administer its own funds. Decisions regarding expenditures are made by the Secretary/Treasurer on its behalf, with the approval of the President.

A statement of financial affairs will be given by the Treasurer every four years to the Board of RC 31 and to the Business Meeting Assembly. The Treasurer must be discharged of its financial responsibilities by the Business Meeting Assembly.

The funds of the RC 31 consist of membership fees from individual members and sometimes ISA subventions/grants.


Changes in and amendments to these statutes must be proposed in writing by a least five RC 31 members in good standing, and must be approved by two-third of the votes in a mail ballot or Business Meeting Assembly.