Research Committees


Originally approved on 22 September 1983; subsequently amended 22 August 1986, 13 July 1990, 29 July 1998 and 15 July 2014.


  1. RC 34 is a body of ISA for the realisation of activities in the theory and practice of youth sociology and transdisciplinary youth research
  2. RC 34 was formed in accordance with Article Four of the Statutes of ISA, by the decision of the Executive Committee of ISA (EC of ISA)
  3. RC 34 reports its activities to the Research Council of ISA
  4. For the realisation of its activities, RC 34 obtains funds of its own and spends them according to Article Four, §7 of the Statutes of ISA


The aim of RC 34 is to contribute to the development of theory and practice of youth sociology and transdisciplinary youth research on an international level, uniting professional knowledge, scientific consciousness, and social commitment of its members to work on problems and issues of youth on a local, regional, and international level


  1. For the achievement of the aims stated in Article II of the present Statutes, RC 34 undertakes the following activities:
    1. exchange of information among its members
    2. international scientific communication
    3. international research projects
    4. organisational activities and implementation of a network in
    5. youth research
  2. The exchange of information is to be effected by publication activities and a documentation system. An information bulletin is produced and disseminated in order to inform members and the scientific communities about the ongoing activities of the Research Committee. Electronic networks and channels of communication shall be used to best effect for the Committee's interaction and dissemination activities, but the Committee's officers and servants shall take all reasonable steps within their means to ensure that those members who do not have access to such facilities are not excluded from information and participation
  3. International scientific communication on important problems and issues of youth sociology and transdisciplinary youth research are carried out by means of scientific conferences, symposia, colloquia, electronic networks and other forms of interpersonal communication, etc. of RC 34, and by participation in the activities of ISA
  4. Regional and inter-regional projects aim at:
    1. theoretical research on the development of youth sociology and transdisciplinary youth research
    2. empirical research connected with key problems of young people
    3. applied research relating to policy issues affecting youth
    4. development, evaluation, and improvement of research methodologies related to youth problems and issues
  5. The aims of the organisational activities are:
    1. promoting effective interaction among the youth researchers united by RC 34 on the basis of the network model on the international, national, and regional levels
    2. maintaining effective connection between RC 34 and the other Research Committees of ISA
    3. assuring effective coordination between RC 34 and the governing bodies of ISA
    4. promoting effective cooperation and coordination between institutions and organisations in connection with youth research
  6. The activity of RC 34 is based on the twin principles of cooperation and coordination in terms of
    1. taking regional diversities and interrelations into account and on a global scale
    2. focusing on the problems young people face in their specific circumstances and contexts


  1.  Members of RC 34 can be individuals or institutions as follows:
    1. organisations dealing with youth sociology and transdisciplinary youth research and corresponding national associations
    2. other scientific international or regional-level organisations dealing with sociology of youth and transdisciplinary youth research
    3. academics, researchers and professionals in related occupations whose work involves the sociology of youth and transdisciplinary youth studies
  2. Members shall be either regular members or affiliated members:
    1. regular members shall be individuals or institutions in good standing within the ISA
    2. affiliated members shall be individuals or institutions interested in the activities of RC 34, but who are not members of the ISA
  3. All regular and affiliated members of RC 34 are entitled to:
    1. vote as individual members in the discussions about organisational matters at the General Meetings according to the principle "one member, one vote", that means that one institution also has one vote

All regular and affiliated members are entitled to:

  1. participate in the scientific activities of the Committee
  2. receive the International Bulletin for Youth Research (IBYR) free of charge. Members who do not have access to electronic communication technologies will receive the Bulletin in Newsletter form
  3. two issues per year of the RC 34 newsletter will be sent to all members and posted on the IBYR
  4. Affiliated members cannot nominate candidates for the Board, vote in Board elections or be Board members
  1. All members of RC 34 are obliged to:
    1. uphold the present statute of RC 34 and to adhere to the stipulations of the present statute
    2. conscientiously fulfil the tasks entrusted to them by the General Meeting or other bodies of RC 34
    3. pay their fees for the respective period (i.e. four years). This fee shall be fixed by the Committee's Board at each General Meeting for both individual members and organisations. The respective amounts to be paid shall be specified in the By-Laws to the present Statutes
  2. The RC 34 Board shall review the membership accounts each year and take appropriate action for members not in good standing


  1. For the effective fulfilment of its activities, RC 34 forms the following bodies:
    1. General Meeting
    2. Board
    3. Advisory Board
    4. Other assistant bodies
  2. Provisions of the General Meeting of RC 34:
    1. all members are entitled to attend the General Meeting and to vote on organizational matters at it
    2. A General Meeting is held:
      • regularly during the World Congresses of the ISA
      • at the proposal of one third of the regular members of RC 34
    3. General Meetings must be announced at least six months in advance
    4. The General Meeting:
      • determines the directions of activities and accepts the plan for the work of the Committee
      • elects the Board of the Committee
      • accepts the report of the activity of the Board
      • discharges the Treasurer and the board of their financial responsibilities
    5. The decisions of the General Meeting are taken by a simple majority (50% of the participating eligible members plus one) by open vote
  1. The Board
    1. The board of RC 34 consists of the following members:
      • President
      • Organisational Secretary and Treasurer
      • Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin of RC 34
      • 8 vice-presidents, whose composition reflects the regional composition of Committee membership as determined every four years in the January of the year in which the Board's current term of office comes to an end, conditions and specifications regulating the composition of the Board are set out in the By-Laws
      • 3 Officers-at-Large
      • Ex-President of the Committee
      • Pairs of candidates may also be nominated for the position of President, Secretary/Treasurer, or Editor of the Newsletter, to function as Co-President, Co-Secretary/Treasurers or Co-Editors of the Newsletter.
    2. The Board of RC 34:
      • elaborates the Plan of Activities of the Committee
      • organises the fulfilment of the Plan of Activities of the Committee (scientific activities -conferences, symposia, colloquia, and other forms of interpersonal communication, dissemination of the International Bulletin for Youth Research (IBYR), international research projects, etc.)
      • identifies the themes and topics for at least one mid-term conference and takes responsibility for the organization of those sessions
      • discusses problems referring to the development of youth sociology and transnational youth research in the various regions
      • promotes scientific and organisational contacts with other research committees of the ISA
      • creates, if necessary, assistant bodies for the realisation of the activities of the Committee
      • establishes contacts with the governing bodies of the ISA
      • reports its activities to the General Meeting
      • reports activities of the Committee to the governing bodies of ISA
      • names the alternate for RC 34 for meetings of the Research Council
    3. The members of the Board are elected by the General Meeting of RC 34 for a period of four years.
      • Those nominated for election to the Board must be regular members of RC 34 in good standing at the time of nomination and election, and, if elected, throughout their term of office.
      • Board members whose regular membership lapses during their period of office will be given a six month period of grace to reestablish their good standing, after which they may be divested of their office under the executive authority of the President. In this case, the President is empowered to co-opt a suitable Committee member as caretaking Board member for the region or position concerned for the period remaining until the next Board election. In all such matters, the President is required to inform the Board of her/his proposals for action and to take note of the Board's views.
      • Should the President's own membership lapse, the Organisational Secretary and Treasurer is required to inform the Board and to serve the six-month period of grace notice on the President. Should the irregularity not be resolved by the end of this period, the Organisational Secretary and Treasurer is required to inform the Board and to place the matter in the hands of the ISA Secretariat
      • The President of the Committee may not be re-elected for the period immediately following her/his term of office (but as Past-President becomes an ex-officio Board member in that period with voting privileges)
      • Other members of the Board may be elected for two consecutive periods of office. Board members having served two consecutive periods of office are also eligible for election as President in the period immediately following their second term of office on the Board. Former Board members having served the maximum two consecutive terms of office become eligible for fresh election to the Board after a further period (four years) during which they do not hold Board office
    4. The Board of RC 34 takes decisions at meetings by a quorum of 50% plus one of the regular members and by an open vote ballot with a simple majority (50% plus one of the eligible participants)
  2. Advisory Board of RC 34:
    1. the Advisory Board of RC 34 will be formed of prominent scholars and researchers on youth, and respected public figures in youth affairs
    2. the members of the Advisory Board will be invited to join on the nomination by the President of RC 34 or the Past-President to serve for the term of that Board. Nominations to the Advisory Board will be approved by the Board before taking effect: Board members will be informed by the President of proposed nominations and asked to express their views within one month of dispatch. After this date, the Board will be held to have approved the nominations in question. Nominations may be rejected by a simple majority of the Board


  1. The President of RC 34:
    1. presides at the General Meeting and the Meeting of the Board of RC 34
    2. represents RC 34 as a delegate in the Research Council of the ISA and other organisations in which the Committee is asked to participate in a formal capacity. The President may delegate this representation to another Board member
    3. conducts the activities of the Board of RC 34 in accordance with the decisions of the General Meeting and in the light of the advice of the Board, of which the President is required to take due note
    4. is responsible for the activities of the Board to the General Meeting of RC 34
    5. is responsible for the whole activity of RC 34 to the governing bodies of ISA
  2. The Organisational Secretary and Treasurer:
    1. organises the holding of the General Meetings of the Board of RC 34
    2. on the request of the President or of the ISA Secretariat, deputises for the President in a caretaking capacity should the President become generally unable to carry out her/his duties
    3. assists the President in organising the work of the Board and watches over the fulfilment of its decisions
    4. acts as Election Officer for the Committee
    5. collects the membership fees and other incomings
    6. keeps financial reports and supporting documentation, prepares the financial report of the Board to be accepted by the General Meeting
    7. 2.7 ensures correct financial relations between RC 34 and the ISA
  3. The Editor-in-Chief of the IBYR:
    1. gathers information for the development of youth sociology and transdisciplinary youth research (scientific activities, research projects, new publications, resource banks, etc.)
    2. organises the production and dissemination of the International Bulletin for Youth Research (IBYR)
    3. In consultation with the Board shall provide a newsletter or equivalent to the membership at least twice annually.
  4. 4. The Regional Vice-Presidents:
    1. organise the work of the Board in the region for which they are responsible as specified in their election and as mandated by the President according to the objectives and the decisions of RC 34
    2. support the Editor of IBYR in gathering information and providing material for the Bulletin according to their field of responsibility
    3. positively promote activities led or supported by RC 34 in their region and endeavour to broaden Committee membership and to raise its professional profile in their region
    4. provide reports on regional activities and their outcomes at regular intervals as requested by the President
  5. The Officers-at-Large are required to support the activities of the Board as requested by the President. They may propose to the Board special activities or personal missions relevant to the promotion of youth sociology and transdisciplinary youth research for which they will take particular responsibility during their period of office. They shall report on their activities at regular intervals as requested by the President
  6. Members of the Advisory Board may be co-opted by the President to attend Board meetings and to participate in activities promoted by the Board. Advisory Board members may hold elected or appointed positions in professional groupings and civil associations whose interests and concerns are allied with those of the ISA and RC 34, and in this case, will promote communication and co-operation between the organisations involved.


  1. To ensure participation of all regular members, nominations take place via postal procedures. The Organisational Secretary and Treasurer acts as Election Officer. The Election Officer is enjoined to prepare a nomination form accompanied by a list of all regular members of RC 34 in good standing, which is posted to all regular members in good standing at least 20 weeks before the date of the election
  2. All regular members of RC 34 in good standing are entitled to make nominations for candidates for the Board. Those nominated must also be regular members in good standing. They must confirm their preparedness to stand for election and, if elected, to accept the position for which they have been nominated, and to remain a regular member in good standing for the duration of their mandate. On accepting nomination, they must provide the Election Officer with a brief curriculum vitae (maximum 15 lines at 75 strokes per line). Nominations and supporting documentation must be received by the Election Officer at least 12 weeks before the date of the election
  3. The Election Officer prepares a ballot listing all nominated candidates and all Board positions. Where there are multiple candidates for the same position, candidates are listed in Roman alphabetical order. The ballot is sent to all regular members at least 10 weeks before the date of the election
  4. Eligible voting members cast their vote in person at the General Meeting held on the date of the election. Those unable to attend the General Meeting must send their ballot to the Election Officer, but regular mail or email. To be taken into account, postal ballots must be received at least 2 weeks before the date of the election. On the date of the election, postal and personal votes are added together. The outcome of the postal ballot is not made public before personal votes are cast. The Election Officer announces the results to the General Meeting. On the request of Committee members, ballots may be re-counted and checked on the spot by a committee made up of the President, the Election Officer, a Board member, and two Committee members present at the meeting. Once accepted as a valid count by the General Meeting, the election results are binding
  5. In the case of disruption of postal services which make it impossible to meet the deadlines specified in paragraphs 1-4 above, it is incumbent upon those Committee members affected to inform the Election Officer at once and by other means as necessary (telephone, fax, e-mail), giving full reasons for the problem encountered and, wherever possible, supporting evidence. The Election Officer consults with the President on the action to be taken and reports to the General Meeting, before election results are announced, any validated cases in which nomination and ballot regulations have been waived. The General Meeting approves or rejects the actions so taken. The affected ballots are then counted or discounted accordingly


  1. This Statute was accepted at a Business Meeting of RC 34 held on September 22, 1983, in Primorsko (Bulgaria) and as subsequently amended at the General Meetings held on August 22, 1986 in New Delhi (India), on July 13, 1990 in Madrid (Spain), and on July 29, 1998 in Montreal (Canada), and amended on July 15, 2014 in Yokohama, Japan
    1. Any proposal for amendments to the Statutes or By Laws may be made by any member of the Board, or by any five members in good standing of RC 34.
    2. Such a proposal must be received by the Board at least one year six months before the World Congress.
    3. The proposal will be circulated among all RC 34 members, together with an explanation of its rationale, at least six months before the next World Congress. The Board will be entitled to propose amendments, to be circulated at least two months before the World Congress.
    4. The proposed amendments will be put to the General Meeting, and adopted if approved by a two-thirds majority.


  1. Regular members are those who are members in good standing of both the ISA and RC 34, affiliated members are those who are members in good standing of RC 34 but who are not members of the ISA. Both categories of RC 34 members are required to pay a RC 34 Committee membership fee for each period of their membership. Members in good standing are those who have paid their RC 34 Committee membership fee during the current period. Each period begins from and ends with the RC 34 General Meeting held at consecutive ISA World Congresses, which are held every four years
  2. The RC 34 membership fee for one four-year period is presently fixed at:
    • US$50 for individual members; in exceptional cases, all or part of the individual membership fee may be waived by the Board following reasoned written request to the President and in accordance with ISA provisions; this fee is reduced to US$10 for bona fide students and the non-waged
    • US$100 for institutional members. Institutional members are welcome to make a voluntary donation to RC 34 in excess of this amount. In exceptional cases, all or part of the institutional membership fee may be waived by the Board following reasoned written request to the President and in accordance with ISA provisions
  3. The Board shall review the level of membership fees at regular intervals and propose adjustments for the next period accordingly. The Organisational Secretary and Treasurer will explain the reasons for proposed changes in her/his report to the General Meeting and in the RC 34 Bulletin (IBYR)


  1. RC 34 is concerned to assure both the active participation of all regions in its activities and an effective elected leadership which reflects the balance of Committee membership. The composition of the world's regions and the balance of their representation in Committee membership are both subject to changes over time. In this context, the regional composition of the Board for any one period allows for a measure of flexibility
  2. The positions of President, Organisational Secretary and Treasurer, Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin of RC 34, Officers-at-Large and the Ex-President are not subject to any considerations of regional balance, i.e. candidates' region of origin or residence are not a formal consideration for eligibility, nomination or election itself. Candidates from all regions are equally encouraged to stand
  3. The eight Regional Vice-presidents elected to the Board must presently include at least one and not more than two VicePresident/s from each of the following macro-regions:
    • Africa, the Near East and the Middle East
    • Asia, including China and Japan
    • The Americas (North, Latin/Middle and South)
    • Australia, New Zealand and Oceania
    • Europe, including the Russian Federation
  4. In the event that no nominations for election to the Board from a given macro-region are received, the President and Past-President of the period following the relevant election are enjoined to explore the possibility of co-option to the Advisory Board of an appropriate scholar or public figure in the youth affairs field from the macro-region concerned. The main task of the co-opted advisory member will be to raise the professional profile of RC 34 in that macro-region and to seek suitable potential Board candidates for the next election
  5. The eight Regional vice-president positions will be filled at election as follows, candidates having first been placed in rank order according to the number of votes received:
    • for each of the five macro-regions listed in §3 above and in turn, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes
    • for the remaining positions, the candidates receiving the highest number of votes regardless of their macro-region of origin or residence, with the following constraints applied:
      • *no macro-region may accede to more than two positions
      • *no two positions may be filled by candidates from (= residing in) the same country
  6. In the event that all eight Regional Vice-President positions cannot be filled using the provisions of §5 above, these positions will remain vacant and the provisions of §4 above will apply
  7. In the event of a tie for any position in a Board election, the Election Officer will hold an immediate straw poll at the General Meeting itself, in which all regular members of RC 34 in attendance are eligible to cast a vote. The result of the straw poll is binding. In the case of a tied straw poll, the Election Officer will ask the outgoing Past-President to give a final casting vote. The decision of the Past-President is binding
  8. The Board will review the arrangements for achieving regional balance and effectivity in its operations at regular intervals. It will also do so upon receiving written and reasoned proposals for amendments from the membership of the Committee at large. Any proposals for change will be debated through the pages of the RC 34 Bulletin (IBYR) and the outcomes decided at the next available General Meeting

(Oceania is understood to mean the primarily island communities of the Pacific region, but excluding the Americas and the Asian continent)

Posted at January 7, 2014