Executive Committee 2014-2018

February 2018

Dear Colleague,

The International Sociological Association has undertaken the development of the "Global Mapping of Sociologists for Social Inclusion" (GMSSI) to create the global database of sociologists.

GMSSI aims to identify, connect, and enable global collaborations in sociology, and support sociologists who encounter multiple barriers, economic and political, which impede participation in global exchanges.

GMSSI aims to increase the visibility of sociologists and their knowledge production and also be an important resource for sustained interaction with the media on a range of issues.

Your participation is important to the success of GMSSI in building this global sociological community.

To start:

Go to https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/gmssi/callforparticipants.cgi where we briefly explain what the site is about and where we offer a link to sign in or sign up.

  • After logging in, you will see your profile in GMSSI. This includes your name, institutional affiliation, email address, etc. 
  • Add a brief bio and a few keywords pertinent to your areas of expertise or interest.  (Note that the GMSSI site is designed so that your email address will not be visible to the public; you will control who sees it). 
  • Add a research project, course you teach or policy report you have written.  
  • Look for ISA conference presentations or journal articles by particular people or on particular subjects.  
  • Try the email and Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn sharing links.

If you have any comments, feedback or suggestions please send it gmssi@confex.com. We are keen to get your feedback and ways to improve the system.

Looking forward to your participation and collaboration so that together we build and share sociology across the globe. 

Thanks in advance!  


Margaret Abraham

President, International Sociological Association