ISA endorses a statement by academics against the degradation of universities in Venezuela

“Universities in Venezuela are suffering a process of degradation. The limitation of financial resources in budgets, the crushing of the salaries and wages and the progressive and systematic extinction of social security at all levels for their staff. The elimination, in practice, of the essential student provisions and the slashing of scholarships destined for this sector. The total abandonment of the campus areas. A situation of impoverishment and degradation that is moving inertially towards their dissolution and the emigration of university personnel, including administrative staff. Today, Venezuelan universities have practically stopped hiring the necessary for its academic work: it has become impossible to exchange with their peers in other countries; it is very difficult to access up-to-date literature; equipment has deteriorated and cannot be renewed; access to electricity and internet services are very limited; it is impossible to cover basic family needs such as food, health, housing, clothing and recreation, among others. There is also a massive migration of students and new professionals abroad. A large percentage of students who are still enrolled are planning to leave the country as soon as they graduate. Situation that has been aggravated by the pandemic.

In the defense of the autonomous, democratic, scientific, popular and quality university, there is an urgent need to design a plan to save what is left of the universities.”

To see the complete statement:

To sign the statement: plataformaciudadana2020@gmail.com