Statement on the Israel / Palestine conflict

On October 19, 2023, the ISA issued a statement on the situation in Israel and Palestine. Nine months later, we have all witnessed the daily worsening of this situation to an inconceivable degree.

Following the Hamas attack on the Israeli population, which left over 1,200 people killed and 253 kidnapped and held hostage, the Israeli military onslaught has so far resulted in over 38,295 deaths in Gaza and 553 in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. A significant proportion of them are women and children, and a huge number of the wounded endure terrible living conditions, facing death and the daily loss of children, parents, and other relatives (UNRWA Situation Report #120).

The ISA is appalled by this tragic situation from a humane perspective because of the significant loss of human lives, the destruction of homes, schools, universities, and hospitals, the missing people, and the enormous number of wounded. The humanitarian crisis that has arisen requires an immediate ceasefire with the international community's support to save as many lives as possible, establish dignified living conditions for the surviving population, and develop reconstruction and recovery plans. It is unacceptable to block humanitarian aid to the civilian population, putting even more lives at risk, not only due to the violence of the conflict but also for health reasons and lack of food (Red Cross, 2024). The ISA supports the UN’s call for a ceasefire to avoid genocide and the deaths of more human beings.

The ISA is also deeply concerned by the restrictions on freedom of expression and academic freedom since the beginning of this conflict. The ISA Human Rights Committee has consistently received reports of abuse, persecution, and repression of academic and sociology colleagues and students for speaking out or supporting statements and petitions. These declarations all call for an end to hostilities and an immediate ceasefire. They draw attention to the harrowing situation, including famine, death, and trauma, facing civilians in Gaza, among them women, children, and persons with disabilities. The United Nations and other organizations have called for respect for all human beings, access to medicines and health care, an end to violence, and respect for the right to freedom of expression and academic freedom.

The ISA also calls once again for the recognition of the human rights of all, whatever their origin, for an immediate ceasefire and an end to all human rights violations in this conflict. In this regard, the ISA will be attentive to the decisions of the International Criminal Court.

Finally, the social sciences are needed in both Palestine and Israel. We express our concern at the growing threats to academic freedom and freedom of opinion and expression related to this war in some Israeli universities and around the world. We are appalled by the destruction of universities in Gaza and by Israel’s military interventions on campuses in the West Bank. The precarious working conditions of academics have become a threat to the existence of the social sciences in Palestine. We call on universities and researchers to support sociologists, students, departments of social sciences, and researchers in Palestine in general.

July 17, 2024