ISA statement concerning attacks at Indian universities, in support of Global Academics' petition

The International Sociological Association (ISA) strongly objects to the attacks on students and professors within university campuses in India [1] over the past months. We, the members of the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association, express solidarity with students, professors, and activists in universities in India attacked during peaceful demonstrations in cities including Delhi. We call for an immediate stop to this violence and demand that all those who were involved, directly or indirectly, in the attacks, whether they are the police or university officials or vigilantes from outside, be punished immediately to signal that India values human rights of all of its citizens.
We stand in solidarity with our colleagues, students and faculty in India in their demand for violence-free campuses where academic freedom can flourish in safety.

ISA, also, endorses the petition [2] signed by scholars from all over the world demanding that the Registrar Pramod Kumar and the JNU Vice Chancellor Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar take responsibility for their failure to guarantee the safety of their students and faculty. We demand prompt medical aid to those injured.We demand a fair and impartial inquiry into the events of January 5 that will hold the perpetrators of the attack accountable.

January 2020

[1] https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/solidarity-statement-from-scholars-abroad-condemning-attack-on-jnu-students-and-faculty/article30500844.ece
[2] https://www.change.org/p/ask-jnu-vice-chancellor-step-down-jnuvcresign-hrdministry