ISA statement concerning Police Brutality in Hong Kong, in support of Global Academics´ petition

We, the members of the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association, express solidarity with students, teachers, professors, and activists in Hong Kong fighting for the rights to universal suffrage, freedom of expression, democracy and liberty, in the context of increasingly virulent police violence.

We endorse the international academic letter of condemn, in particular the continued use of hate speech by the Hong Kong Police.

We urge leaders of Hong Kong universities to release clear statements rejecting the entry of police into university campuses, supporting the freedom of assembly of students and staff, and reaffirming the sacrosanct responsibility of all universities to protect academic freedom and provide a safe space for all students to express their views.

We stand in solidarity with the Hong Kong people. We believe the defence of academic freedom, the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and association, and the responsibility to protect the safety of our students are universal causes common to all.

December, 2019