Research Committees


  • Revised, New Delhi, August 1986
  • Editorial corrections Oct. 17, 1989
  • Revised May 15, 1990
  • Revised summer, 1995
  • Revised September 2002


  1. The Committee was established by the International Sociological Association in 1978 in accordance with Article XI of the ISA Statutes with a view to opening up a broader range of opportunities for the participation of individual members of the Association in research and other activities in the field of "Participation and Self-Management". In October 2000 the Board decided, after carrying out a members' ballot, to change the name of the Committee and to include in it the words "Organizational Democracy". To this end the Committee shall undertake the following measures:
    1. To secure and develop personal and associational/professional contacts between scientists and to unite the professional qualities, social consciousness and experience of its members for work on problems of "Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management" throughout the world;
    2. To encourage the international dissemination and exchange of information on significant developments and to promote the development of scientific activities in the field of "Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management" throughout the world;
    3. To facilitate and promote international meetings, communication and research projects in the field of "Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management" at all national, regional and international levels;
    4. To promote participation in the Committee and the use of its facilities by members from underrepresented countries.
    5. The Committee raises its own funds (membership fees, subsidies, workshops etc.) and administers them in accordance with Article XI of the ISA Statutes.


2.  The Committee shall consist of President and Vice-President, a Secretary, the Treasurer, the other members of the Board and members. The members should be individuals or associations active in research and/or teaching in the field of "Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management".

All the decisions made by the Committee as a whole, except those concerning the by-laws, are accepted by simple majority. In the years of the elections the Board collects together all proposals for amending the by-laws and a proposal amendment is adopted if it is approved by 2/3 of the voting members.

Each candidate for membership has to be approved by the Board. Unsuccessful candidates have the right to appeal to the Committee as a whole. The Board has a right to request recommendations.

To be a member in good standing dues will be paid directly to the Treasurer of the RC or to the ISA. Such dues will be used for the administrative costs of the RC. The amount is decided at the General Meeting. In case a candidate is not able to pay his or her fees and his or her qualifications - according to the Board - are appropriate, then he or she can be defined as a member of the Committee in "good standing".

All members in good standing have the same voting rights and eligibility to hold office, to participate in the scientific activities, to receive free of charge the newsletter. The members are obliged to observe the Statutes, to carry out conscientiously the tasks entrusted to them by the General Meeting or other competent bodies of RC10. Non-payment of dues will lead to loss of membership six months after the final period paid for, unless special arrangements are made.


3.  The Board of the Committee is formed by the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and a maximum of 5 members, all elected by the Committee, and by associate members. The term of office is 4 years. The elected members of the Board may be reelected successively only once, with the exception of the members of the Executive Board who may be reelected for a third term. The associate members are former Presidents of the Committee and the Chairmen of the Research Groups.

At its first meeting the Board nominates the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. The board is entrusted with the direction of all the activities of the Committee, unless regulated by the By-Laws of the Statutes of ISA. The Board nominates the representative and one alternate to the Research Council of the ISA. In case of equal votes within the Board, the president will have the deciding vote.

A report on the funds of the committee must be made every second year and sent to the members. In the year of the election, the Board collects proposals of using funds and makes public the criteria for accepting them.

4.  The candidates for the Board will be suggested by all members of the Committee. Each member may propose up to 10 candidates for the Board. The Board will list the candidates and send the list to the individual members for voting. Each individual member shall vote for maximum 10 candidates. The Board must also make sure that the candidates agree and that they are members in good standing of the International Sociological Association. Elected are the 10 candidates with the highest number of votes. In case for a tie for the 10th seat a draw is made by the nominating committee. Those candidates not elected are alternates. Their place is determined according to the number of votes received. Election must be completed every fourth year. The election of officers will be conducted in a manner maximizing membership voting. 

Mailed ballots will be sent to the entire membership by the Executive Secretary at the beginning of the year of the World Congress.

Newly elected officers will be announced through the ISA bulletin, the RC newsletter and at the meetings of the RC.

The executive board of the RC will form or designate a nominating committee for the next slate of officers.

5.  The President, as chief executive of RC 10, will preside at the meetings of the Committee and its Board.
The President will be responsible for seeing that the session of RC 10 at the ISA meetings are organized. The President will initiate and carry out policies in conformity with RC 10's purpose as specified by the Board and the membership.

The Secretary is responsible for communicating RC 10 activities and plans to the members twice a year through the newsletter. These include the time and place, as well as organizers of seminars and workshops and of ISA sessions, sponsored by RC 10.

The secretary shall announce to the membership the time and place of the general meetings. A general meeting of members shall be held in conjunction with the ISA meeting. Announcement of the general meeting will be made to the members at least three months in advance, together with a tentative agenda of business.

The treasurer shall prepare a membership list to be used for election purposes. The Vice-President will assist the President in carrying out the functions listed above. He or she may also be assigned special duties by the president.


6.  It is strongly recommended to the Board to arrange a meeting of the Committee at least once a year. The meetings should be devoted to specific theoretical and methodological themes even if general sessions are held in addition. The theme and call for papers must be approved on behalf of the Committee by the Board, which should make public the criteria of selection. The board must actively help members from underrepresented countries to participate and to suggest themes for meetings.


7.  The Committee may organize (up to 4) special research groups, and one or more regional study groups. The Chairman of the group must be elected by the members. The Chairmen is responsible for making an annual report to the Board and a report to the Committee at each World Congress. Research groups and regional study groups, which become inactive, will be dissolved by the Committee.


8.  The Statutes of the RC may be amended by a two-third vote of the voting membership through mail ballot of the RC.