Research Committees


The following statutes for RC17 were adopted in 2002, updated 2012, 2014, 2023.


1.1 The RC17 has been established in accordance with Article Four of the Statutes of the International Sociological Association (ISA).
1.2 Funds for the RC17 may be raised from membership fees; grants and gifts from organizations or individuals; conferences; publications; investment of the committee's own capital; or any other means as the Board may decide in accordance with the principles set out in Article 


2.1 to establish contacts and to encourage collaboration among scholars working in the field of the sociology of organizations throughout the world.
2.2 to enhance international cooperation and exchange in theoretical and empirical research in the sociology of organisations.
2.3 to link theoretical and empirical research in the sociology of organizations with related specialist fields or disciplines such as economics, industrial relations, organizational behaviour, marketing and management theory.
2.4 to act as the international representative body of the sociology of organizations.


The committee should:
3.1 encourage research among its members and others and serve as a conduit for research, ideas and collaboration internationally.
3.2 organize sessions at meetings of the ISA.
3.3 provide information on significant developments in the field through publications and other means such as a regular website, journals, and special conferences.
3.4 sponsor international seminars of theoretical, methodological or substantive importance and sponsor international training seminars to add to the skills of researchers in the field.


4.1 Members shall either be regular members or affiliated members
4.1.1 Regular members shall be individuals or institutions in good standing within the ISA
4.1.2. Affiliated members shall be individuals or institutions interested in the activities of RC 17, who are not members of the ISA
4.2. All regular and affiliated members of RC 17 shall be entitled to vote as individual members in the discussions about organisational matters at the General Meetings according to the principle "one member, one vote" that means that one institution also has one vote
4.3 All regular and affiliated members of RC 17 shall be entitled to
4.3.1 participate in the scientific activities of the Research Committee
4.3.2 access the website maintained by RC 17 free of charge (see
4.4. All regular and affiliated members of RC 17 shall be obliged to
4.4.1 uphold the present Statutes of RC 17 and to adhere to the stipulations of the present Statutes
4.4.2 conscientiously fulfil the tasks entrusted to them by the General Meeting or other bodies of RC 17
4.4.3 pay their fee for the respective period (i.e. 4 years). This fee shall be fixed by the Board of the Research Committee at each General Meeting for both individual members and organisations. The respective amounts to be paid shall be specified in the By-Laws to the present Statutes.


The composition of the Board will be:
At least 6 other members and a maximum of 10 other members
Each member of the RC17's Board shall be a regular member of the ISA. Pairs of candidates may be nominated for the position of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, to function as Co-President, Co-Vice-President, Co-Secretary, or Co-Treasurer.
A general meeting (“Business Meeting”) of the members shall be held in conjuction with the ISA World Congress, and the ISA Forum. The Secretary shall announce to the membership the time and place of the general meeting. The Board should meet at least once between World Congresses: at an interim meeting two years after a World Congress to assess the work of RC17, and once, either in person or by other virtual means, before the General Meeting at the World Congress. The latter meeting will discuss the program of the upcoming Congress. A quorum of three members of the Board is required. At this meeting, or prior, the Board will draw up an Agenda for the Congress General Meeting. Election of the new Board will be on the Agenda. The new incoming Board will then meet after the General Meeting at the World Congress to plan activities for the following 4 years. The Board shall, in addition identify the themes and topics for at least one mid-term conference and take responsibility for the organization of those sessions.


Nomination Procedure
6.1 To ensure participation of all regular and affiliated members, nomination shall be done by email. To this end, the Secretary shall prepare a form to be sent to all regular and affiliated members at least 4 months before the election day.
6.2 All regular and affiliated members of RC 17 shall be entitled to nominate candidates for the Board. Nominated candidates shall be regular members of RC 17. They shall confirm their preparedness to accept the respective position on the Board in case they are elected and to remain a regular member in good standing for the duration of their mandate, and shall return the nomination form to the Secretary.
6.3 The Secretary shall prepare a ballot listing all nominated candidates along with the respective positions on the Board. In case of several nominations for the same position, the nominated candidates shall be listed in alphabetical order. The ballot shall be sent to all regular and affiliated members of RC 17 by email at least 4 weeks before the election day.
6.4 Regular and affiliated members shall vote on the nominees for officers and Board Members at the general meeting of RC17 during the ISA World Congress. The members can alternatively send their ballot by email to the designated electoral officer(s). Ballots received later than one week before the beginning of the World Congress shall not be counted. The term of office of Board members is four years (from one Congress to the next). The President can serve a maximum of 2 terms. The Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer can only be elected for three consecutive terms.


7.1 The Board is entrusted with the direction of the activities of the committee and to nominate a representative (and one alternate) to the Research Council of the ISA.
7.2 The President will preside over meetings of the Committee and its Board. The President will be responsible for seeing that sessions of RC17 at the ISA meetings are organized. The President will initiate and carry out policies in conformity with RC17's purposes as specified by the Board and the membership.
7.3 The Vice-President will assist the President and conduct activities delegated by the President.
7.4 The Secretary is responsible for communicating RC17's activities and plans to the members twice a year through the website and the newsletter.
7.5 The Treasurer is in charge of the collection and distribution of funds. The Treasurer will prepare a report of the funds of the committee and send this report to the members every two years.
7.6 Each member of the Board must at all times be:
7.6.1 a member in good standing of the ISA in accordance with the ISA Statutes, and
7.6.2 a member in good standing of RC17
7.7 Temporary vacancies in the Board between consecutive ISA World Congresses may be filled by appointment by the President, in accordance with ISA Statute 4.5.
7.8 The places of any Board member not in good standing with either the ISA or RC17 may be declared temporarily vacant by the President, at the President’s discretion, and the vacancy filled according to paragraph 7.7.
7.9 One of the Board members, identified by the Board, will assume the responsibilities of the President of the Board in the case of the death, incapacitation, resignation, or other inability of the incumbent to carry out the responsibilities of the office of the President.


7.10 Members of 17 are obliged to:
7.10.1. pay their fees for the respective period (i.e. four years). The fee for the different types of membership shall be fixed by the Board at each General Meeting. The membership fees shall be specified in the By-Laws to the present Statutes
7.10.2 abide by the by-laws

By Laws

Membership Fee
The fees for regular members are fixed as follows:
US $ 20 for a four-year period for members from "category A" countries as defined by the ISA. For a list of "category A" countries see the currently valid ISA membership form.
US $ 10 for a four-year period for members from  “category B & C” countries and student members.
US $ 10 onetime fee for Life members. For the minimum age of Life members see currently valid ISA individual membership guidelines.
US $ 80 for a four-year period for supporter members. Supporter membership is a regular membership but with a higher fee that can be paid voluntarily to support RC 17.” 
US $ 80 onetime fee for supporter life members. Supporter life membership is a regular life membership but with a higher fee that can be paid voluntarily to support RC 17. For the minimum age of Life members see currently valid ISA individual membership guidelines.
The fees for affiliated members are set to zero (US $ 0).


8.1 Relations with other organizations may be established by the Board as is deemed useful or necessary in accordance with the aims and objectives of RC17.


Changes and amendments to the Statutes may be made at the General Meeting at the ISA World Congress or the ISA Forum.
Changes and amendments must be passed with a two thirds majority of the meeting.