Research Committees

Language & Society Distinguished Career Award

Established in April 2018.
Deadline for nomination (2018 edition): May 13, 2018.


The purpose of this award is to recognize career excellence in the field of language and society.


The winner of the Language & Society Distinguished Career Award will be recognized with an engraved plaque at the RC25 reception years at the ISA World Congress of Sociology. Award results will also be announced in the RC25 newsletter.


Eligible candidates are persons who have significantly contributed to the field of language and society through their continuous, well-known and excellent production and dissemination of knowledge through their entire sociological careers. Merits of recipients include outstanding achievements in the areas of research, teaching, service to profession and social service.

Due to its wide focus, the eligibility is not restricted to members of RC25 or ISA. However, Members of the award committee and the Executive Board are not eligible.

Nomination and Selection Process

The Award Committee consists of three scholars and a chair.

Each member of RC25 can propose only one candidate summarizing why he/she deserves the award. Joint proposals are allowed. For this purpose, a Call for nominations for the Language & Society Distinguished Career Award shall be made three months before the start of the International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology. No nominated person can be part as scholar of the Award Committee.

The RC25 Executive Board appoints the chair of the Award Committee for a period of four years.  She or he is responsible solely for administering the award process. This includes but is not limited to establishing the composition of the Award Committee. The full Executive Board must approve all decisions by the chair before they can be implemented. The Committee members must be scholars with demonstrated expertise in the field. 

The chair does not vote but oversees the process. The chair of the Award Committee will submit a list of winners and documentation of the award process to the Executive Board for approval and formal announcement.


No monetary prize is linked to this award. The RC plans to spend a maximum of $200 USD for the engraved plaque.


Award will be made at RC25 reception every four years at the ISA World Congress of Sociology.