Research Committees


RC33 Statutory Principles were amended in Durban, South Africa, 2006. This version of the Statutes was in effect after RC33 Conference in Sydney, 2012. It was then accepted without changes at the RC33 Business meeting in Yokohama, Japan, 2014.


The Research Committee on Logic and Methodology in Sociology is referred to hereinafter as RC33.


  1. RC33 was formed as a body of the ISA in 1973 in accordance with Article 4 of the ISA Statutes of the ISA, by the decision of the ISA Executive Committee.
  2. RC33 shall report its activities to the ISA Research Council.
  3. For the realisation of its activities, RC33 raises funds of its own by levying a subscription on its members, and in other ways. RC33 will spend these funds in accordance with Article 4, Paragraph 7 of the Statutes of ISA.
  4. RC33’s business language is English.


The objectives of the RC33 are:

  1. to promote the development of theory and research on Logic and Methodology in Sociology;
  2. to create an international community among and professional contacts between scholars in the field of Logic and Methodology in Sociology;
  3. to encourage the worldwide exchange of research findings and theoretical developments on Logic and Methodology in Sociology;
  4. to promote international meetings and research collaboration in the field of Logic and Methodology in sociology.


The activities of RC33 in pursuit of these objectives include, among other things:

  1. RC33 will participate in and organize conferences. Among these are:
    1. participation at and organization of sessions at the World Congress of Sociology, organized by ISA;
    2. organization of an Interim-Conference between World Congresses, called the “International Conference on Social Science Methodology”. The rules for the organization of the “International Conference on Social Science Methodology” can be found in the section “Guidelines for organization at the international conference on social science methodology” in the by-laws below;
    3. when deemed appropriate by the Board, participation at and organization of sessions at the ISA Forum of Sociology, organized by ISA.
  2. RC33 will administer its own Web site (
  3. RC33 publishes a newsletter twice a year (April and October) as an integral part of the quarterly scientific journal Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique (BMS). The RC33 Newsletter might be substituted or complemented by new means of communication in accordance with ISA regulations.
  4. RC33 maintains a regular mailing list, containing notifications by email (or other means of communication in accordance with ISA regulations) of important events and opportunities. The mailing list promotes conferences, research networks, job offerings and similar activities and information relevant to the aims stated at Article 3.
  5. RC33 is involved in publishing twice a year a printed copy of its associated journal, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique (BMS) (in total eight copies in four years). The RC33 may also negotiate special rates for members to obtain other publications at reduced cost.


  1. Members of RC33 shall be individuals dealing with Logic and Methodology in sociology or neighboring disciplines teaching and/or by research work or related scientific activities. Membership can be distinguished into two types:
    1. “Regular members in good standing” (called “regular members” from now on) are defined those members who paid membership fees to both RC33 and ISA.
    2. “Affiliated members” are defined those members who paid membership fees only to RC33.
  2. All regular and affiliated members of RC33 shall be entitled
    1. to vote as individual members for the selection of Board Members (see Article 7) and participate in discussions about organisational matters at the business meetings (see Article 6b), according to the principle “one member, one vote”, that means that one institution also has one vote;
    2. to participate in the scientific activities of RC33, especially activities stated in Article 4;
    3. to receive twice a year a printed copy of the associated journal of RC33, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique (BMS) (in total eight copies in four years), which includes the RC33 Newsletter;
    4. to receive notifications by email through the RC33 mailing list;
    5. to receive travel grants made by RC33, subject to such rules of eligibility as are established by the officers or Board of RC33.
  3. All members are obliged:
    1. to adhere to the stipulations of the current RC33 Statutes;
    2. to carry out conscientiously any tasks entrusted to them by the business meeting or other competent bodies of RC33;
    3. pay their membership fee for the respective period (that is, 4 years). This fee shall be fixed by the RC33 Board at each business meeting for both individual members and organisations. The respective amounts to be paid shall be specified in the By-Laws to the present statutes.


  1. For the effective fulfilment of its activities, RC33 shall form the following Bodies:
    1. Business Meeting;
    2. Board.
  2. RC33 Business Meeting
    1. A business meeting of RC33 shall be held during each World Congress of Sociology and during each “International Conference on Social Science Methodology”. Additionally, in emergencies, the RC33 Board or one third of the members can propose extraordinary business meetings which have to be announced at least six months in advance.
    2. The business meeting’s functions are:
      • to receive reports on the work of RC33 since the last business meeting;
      • to revise or amend statutes and the by-laws to the statutes;
      • to determine the directions of activities, give guidance regarding the future work of RC33 and to accept the RC33 Board’s plan for the future work of RC33, by passing resolutions or by other means.
      • at the business meeting during the World Congress of Sociology, to elect the RC33 Board members and Officers, if the election did not take place by electronic ballot. Should a Board members or Officer retire or be barred from the Board between World Congresses, a replacement can take place as stated in By-Laws, Article 8.
    3. The decisions of the business meeting shall be taken by a simple majority vote (50% of the participating members plus one) of present members or members voting electronically (see Article 7).
  3. RC33 Board
    1. The RC33 Board at present consists of the following officers:
      • the President,
      • the Secretary,
      • the Past President,
      • the Vice President for Finances (Treasurer),
      • the Vice President for Membership,
      • the Vice President for Information (RC33 Newsletter Editor),
      • the Vice President for Conferences,
      • the Vice President for ISA World Congress Programme Coordination,
      • the Vice President for ISA Forum Programme Coordination (nominated and elected only when deemed appropriate by the Board), and
      • up to eight Vice Presidents at Large.
    2. The number of offices may be increased or decreased to maximize the effectiveness of the work of RC33. Decisions on the number of officers shall be made either at the business meeting, or between business meetings by the President.
    3. Officers shall be elected at the business meeting or be electronic voting, see Article 7, 8 and By-Laws.
    4. The officers of RC33 shall carry out conscientiously the tasks entrusted to them as stated in the By-Laws below and entrusted to them by the RC Board.
    5. Among the tasks of the officers are:
      • to be responsible for communications with the ISA;
      • to promote scientific and organisational contacts with other ISA Research Committees, Working Groups and Thematic Groups, and with other scientific international or regional-level institutions dealing with research in Logic and Methodology in sociology or neighbor disciplines;
      • elaborate and organize the implementation of RC33’s plan of activities, to execute all decisions, and be responsible for the running of RC33 between business meetings;
      • to be responsible for preparing a scientific programme for RC33 at the World Congress of Sociology, the ISA Forum of Sociology (when deemed appropriate by the Board) and the “International Conference on Social Science Methodology”;
      • to arrange the RC33 business meetings;
      • to maintain a membership list and bank account;
      • to submit written reports on their activities at each RC33 business meeting. These shall include reports on RC33’s activities, its newsletter and its financial position;
      • if necessary, create assistant bodies for the realisation of the activities of the Research Committee.
    6. The terms of office and obligations of RC33 Board members shall be further specified in the By-Laws to the Statutes of RC33.


  1. Nomination Procedure
    1. Some Board members are automatically nominated for certain positions for the next legislative period (see By-Laws below).
    2. In addition, at the end of the year preceding the World Congress, the incumbent President invites all regular members in good standing to submit further nominations for President, Secretary, and Vice-Presidents, preferably by including a ballot in the fall issue of the RC33 Newsletter. Deadline for accepting nominations is given at invitation, normally three months in advance of the World Congress.
    3. All regular and affiliated members of RC33 shall be entitled to nominate candidates for the Board.
    4. Nominated candidates shall be regular members of RC33. The President asks all persons nominated, if they accept nomination. Nominated persons shall confirm their preparedness to accept the respective position on the Board in case they are elected and to remain a regular member in good standing for the duration of their mandate, and shall return the nomination form together with a brief curriculum vitae to the President within four weeks.
    5. The President reports on confirmed nominations (preferably including the candidates’ curriculum vitae) through available issues of the RC33 Newsletter or – if this is not possible – through a circular two months in advance of the World Congress.
    6. No additional nominations can be made later than the deadline stated above or at the business meeting.
  2. Electoral Procedure
    1. Voting shall be by secret ballot, either during a business meeting or may take place electronically.
    2. The incumbent President shall prepare a ballot listing of all nominated candidates along with the respective positions on the Board. In case of several nominations for the same position, the nominated candidates shall be listed on the ballot in alphabetical order. The ballot shall be sent to all regular members of RC33 by e-mail at least four weeks before the date of the election.
    3. If voting is organized during a business meeting, regular members attending the business meeting shall cast their vote in person, by secret ballot. Those unable to attend shall send their ballot to the incumbent President. All ballots received by the incumbent President at least two weeks before the date of the election shall be added to those cast at the business meeting before the votes are counted.
    4. The person receiving the highest number of votes for a specific position shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie, the choice among those receiving the same number of votes shall be decided by lottery.


  1. The President recommends revisions and amendments to RC33 Statutes and By-Laws. Proposals for revisions or amendments to RC33 Statutes or By-Laws may also be made at any time by any RC33 Board member, or by any five RC33 members in good standing.
  2. Any motion to change or amend the statutes shall be sent to all members in good standing by e-mail and to the RC33 Newsletter Editor for publication in the RC33 Newsletter. Additional recommendations may be made at the next business meeting.
  3. Motions to amend the statutes will be considered at the next RC33 business meeting, and come into effect if supported by a simple majority of those members in good standing present. No proxy votes are allowed. For this purpose, members are considered to be in good standing if their membership application was received by the President or the Secretary at least one month prior to the RC33 business meeting and their dues are settled by the time of the election.
  4. The President reports on the revisions through available issues of the RC33 Newsletter or – if this is not possible – through a circular two months in advance of the RC33 business meeting.
  5. These principles are in effect until changed by a simple plurality at the business meeting at a World Congress.


These statutes were adopted by the members of RC33 on July 11, 2012.



In line with the decisions taken at the business meeting held in Gothenburg (Sweden) on 14th July 2010, the membership fees are fixed as follows:

  1. US $ 60 (plus ISA administration fees) for four years for members who register via ISA;
  2. € 50 for four years who register directly to RC33 via the RC33 Web site.


  1. The RC33 President shall
    1. represent RC33 as a delegate in the ISA Research Council and other organisations;
    2. conduct the activities of the RC33 Board in accordance with the statutes and decisions of the business meeting;
    3. provide material for the newsletter;
    4. be involved in preparation of the RC33 scientific programme at the World Congress of Sociology (which is primarily coordinated and prepared by the Vice President for ISA World Congress Programme Coordination);
    5. prepare and coordinate revisions of RC33 Statutes;
    6. organize and preside over the RC33 business meeting and the Board meetings;
    7. coordinate the nomination and election of the next Board, as stated in Article 7;
    8. be responsible for the activities of the RC33 Board to the business meeting;
    9. be responsible for the totality of RC33 activity to the governing bodies of the ISA.
  2. The RC33 Secretary and Designated President shall
    1. represent RC33 as alternate in the ISA Research Council and other organisations;
    2. assist the President in organising the work of the Board and observe the fulfilment of its decisions;
    3. provide material for the newsletter;
    4. when deemed appropriate by the Board, be involved in preparation of the RC33 scientific programme at the ISA Forum (which is primarily coordinated and prepared by the Vice President for ISA Forum Programme Coordination);
    5. provide the Vice Presidents for Finances and Membership with membership updates sent by ISA to RC33.
  3. The former RC33 President serve as Past President for a term of office of four years and will advise the President and Secretary concerning the fulfilment of their duties as stated above. The role of the Past President is to ensure continuity of RC33 work.
  4. The RC33 Vice Presidents give advice to the other RC33 Officers on any matter and are responsible for promoting membership, for organizing between-Congress activities and for providing material to the RC33 Newsletter. They will inform the RC33 Board about their activities. RC33 recognises the following positions of Vice Presidents:
    1. The RC33 Vice President for Finances (Treasurer) shall collect the membership fees and other incomes, keep financial documentation, prepare the financial report to the Board to be accepted by the business meeting and realise the financial relations between RC33 and the ISA.
    2. The RC33 Vice President for Membership shall administer and regularly update the RC33 member list, prepare a membership report for to the Board to be accepted by the business meeting and (if needed) supply other Board members with updated membership lists to enable them to fulfill their duties towards RC33.
    3. The RC33 Vice President for Information (RC33 Newsletter Editor) is in charge of producing and distributing the RC33 Newsletter, the mailing list and communication with the associated RC33 journal.
    4. The RC33 Vice President for Conferences shall coordinate the organization of the “International Conference on Social Science Methodology”. Typically, the Vice President for Conferences is a member of the conference’s local organizing team.
    5. When deemed appropriate by the Board, the RC33 Vice President for ISA Forum Programme Coordination shall function as an alternate Programme Coordinator at the ISA Forum. He or she will try to be personally present at the ISA Forum. Should neither the President nor the Secretary be present at the ISA Forum, he or she will function as RC33 Alternate Delegate in the ISA Research Council.
    6. The RC33 Vice Presidents at Large shall be chosen to represent different geographical areas. They shall support the other Board members in fulfilling their duties to RC33, inform the scientific community about RC33 activities and discuss the developments in logic and methodology in sociology in their respective regions with the Board.
  5. Eligibility and Terms of Office
    1. In accordance with Article 4.6 of the ISA Constitution, all RC33 Board members must be at all times regular RC33 members in good standing.
    2. All Board members (with the exception of the Past President) shall be elected as stated in the RC33 Statutes and By-Laws at the business meeting during the World Congresses or by electronic voting.
    3. The nomination procedure for Board positions is stated in Article 7 above. The Secretary is designated as next president and automatically nominated for the post of the next president. Vice Presidents are automatically nominated for the same position for the next election period.
    4. The members of the Board shall be elected by the RC33 business meeting during World Congresses of Sociology or by electronic voting for a period of four years. The President of the Research Committee may not be re-elected and will become Past President. The former RC33 President automatically becomes Past President for the next administrative [legislative] period. Other members of the Board may be re-elected and can serve several successive terms of office.
  6. Replacement of Board Members
    1. Should the President retire between World Congresses, the Past President becomes the Acting President until a new president is elected. Other temporary vacancies in the Board between consecutive ISA World Congresses may be filled by appointment by the President with the advice of the Board, in accordance with ISA Statute 4.5.
    2. The positions of any Board member not in good standing with either the ISA or RC33 may be declared temporarily vacant by the President, at the President’s discretion, and the vacancy filled according to Article 7.
    3. Should the President fail to carry out his or her presidential responsibilities or allow his or her membership to lapse, the Secretary is required to inform the Board and to serve a six-month period of grace notice to the President. Should the irregularity not be resolved by the end of this period, the Secretary is required to inform the Board and to refer the matter to the ISA Secretariat.


  1. The conference language is English.
  2. Between the Interim-Conference and the World Congress of Sociology, the RC33 Board searches for persons or institutions willing to become organizers for the next “International Conference on Social Science Methodology”. These organizers may present a bid and cost calculation at the business meeting at the World Congress of Sociology. At this business meeting, RC33 decides where the next “International Conference on Social Science Methodology” will take place and who will organize it.
  3. There will be an open call for session organizers via the RC33 Newsletter. RC33 members may distribute this call via other channels.
  4. All sessions have to be international: each session should include speakers of at least two countries (exceptions will need good reasons). Moreover, each paper must contain a methodological problem (any area, qualitative or quantitative).
  5. Speakers can only have one talk per session. This is also true for joint papers: it will not be possible for A and B to present at the same time one paper as B and A during the same session. This would just extend the time allocated to each speech in the different sessions.
  6. Sessions will have a length of 90 minutes with a maximum of 4 papers or a length of 120 minutes with a maximum of 6 papers. Session organizers can invite as many speakers as they like. The number of sessions depends on the number of papers there are.
  7. There will be several calls for papers via the RC33 Newsletter. To begin with, session organizers can prepare a call for papers on their own initiative, then at a different time, there will be a common call for papers, and session organizers can ask anybody to submit a paper. RC33 members may distribute these calls via other channels.
  8. Papers may only be refused for the conference if they do not present a methodological problem (as stated in Article 3 of the RC33 Statutes), are not in English or are somehow otherwise estimated by session organizers as not being appropriate for the conference. Session organizers may ask authors to revise and resubmit their paper so that it fits these requirements. If session organizers do not wish to consider a paper addressed to them, they should inform the author and forward the paper to the conference chair who will find a session where the paper fits.
  9. Papers directly addressed to the organization committee (and those forwarded from session organizers) will be offered to other session organizers (after proofing for quality). It is then up to the organizers to include a paper in their session(s) or not. If they think it does not fit into the session(s), the papers should be sent back as soon as possible to the organizing committee so that it can offer the paper to another session organizer.
  10. There will be a conference Web site with information about the procedure for submitting a paper and deadlines.
  11. The organizers of the “International Conference on Social Science Methodology” commit to arrange the registration for the conference to include also the RC33 membership registration and to pass the funds from the membership registration to the RC33.