Research Committees
Approved by TG05 membership, August 4th, 2012, Buenos Aires; Amended by WG03 membership, July 2016, Vienna; Amended by WG03 membership, July 16th 2018, Toronto
- The purpose of the Research Committee on Visual Sociology (RC57, formerly WG03 and TG05) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) is to encourage high quality research on the visual as a field of sociological inquiry and as an investigative tool. Within this scope of inquiry, the group aims to:
- Generate discussions concerning the collection of visual data as well as the production of visual materials by researchers with an emphasis on methods of analysis of these data.
- Analyze the contemporary and the historical socio-cultural loci of the visual. Key concerns are the socio-cultural aspects of how the visual is produced, used and disseminated, and how it intersects with the verbal and other means of communication and sensual experiences.
- Debate broader theoretical issues of sociology of the visual sphere and discuss the applicability of various sociological theories in the analysis of the visual data.
- Adhere to high ethical standards concerning visual research and the dissemination of visual research results, and contribute to its ongoing development. For that goal, RC57 will engage in ongoing discussions on the various ethical dilemmas concerning visual research, presentations and publications across different cultural settings and social contexts.
- To fulfill these purposes the RC57 engages in the following activities:
- It organizes the Visual Sociology sessions at the ISA meetings.
- It organizes international workshops and seminars on topics of theoretical, methodological, ethical and/or substantive importance in the field of visual sociology.
- It promotes and arranges for publication of materials related to presentations in the group's meetings.
- It develops an international roster of visual sociologists, and promotes cooperation with organizations involved in similar pursuits.
- It seeks to keep its members informed of RC57's activities, through the group's newsletter, listserv, website and social media platforms.
- It engages in additional activities to disseminate and develop its scope of inquiry and encourage global intellectual networks.
- Membership in RC57 is open to all individuals or institutions working, or interested in, the field of Visual Sociology.
- Members shall either be regular members or affiliated members.
- Regular members shall be individuals or institutions in good standing within the ISA and RC57, paying their membership fees to both ISA and RC57 for the respective period (i.e. 4 years).
- Affiliated members shall be individuals or institutions interested in the activities of RC57, who are not members of the ISA.
- Affiliate membership is free.
- Affiliate membership is only open to Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize Winners and is conferred for a two year period upon award of the prize.
- All regular and affiliated members of RC57 shall be entitled to vote as individual members in the discussions about organizational matters at the General Meetings according to the principle "one member, one vote" that means that one institution also has one vote.
- All regular and affiliated members of RC57 shall be entitled to:
- Organize and participate in the scientific activities of the Working Group (participation may be subject to peer review process).
- Receive the newsletter issued by RC57 free of charge.
- Propose RC57 regular members for board membership.
- Join the group's electronic Listserv.
- Be given preference for publication in the group's Newsletter.
- All regular and affiliated members of RC57 shall be obliged to:
- Uphold the present Statutes of RC57 and to adhere to the stipulations of the present Statutes.
- Conscientiously fulfill the tasks entrusted to them by the General Meeting or other bodies of RC57.
- Membership fees for 4-year period are: USD 40 for members from category A countries, and for institutions; USD 20 for members from category B countries; USD 10 for members from category C countries and students. For a list of countries in A, B and C categories see currently valid ISA membership form.
- RC57 Board will include the following officers:
- President.
- Vice President (Secretary).
- Vice President (Research).
- Treasurer.
- Six additional Members of the Board, of which:
- One member will assume special responsibility for the Rachel Tanur Prize.
- One member will assume special responsibility for RC57 Newsletter.
- One member will assume special responsibility for RC57 website and social media.
- Ex-President.
- First Prize Winner of the Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize (appointment for 2 years).
- An effort shall be made to encourage a fair regional, national, and gender representation.
- Each Member of the Board must be RC57 regular member in good standing from the time of nomination up to the end of any position they hold on the RC57 Board. The only exception to this rule is the first prize winner of the Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize, who, if not already holding the status of a regular member, can fulfill all roles of a Board Member with the status of an affiliated member.
- All officers (except for the Ex-President and the Rachel Tanur Prize Winner) will be elected by the voting membership during RC57's Business Meeting ("elections day") at each ISA World Congress.
- Term of office will be for four years with re-election limited to one term.
- Vice President (Secretary) will serve as Elections Officer.
- To ensure participation of all regular and affiliated members, nomination shall be done by mail. To this end, the Elections Officer shall prepare a form to be sent to all regular and affiliated members twenty weeks before the elections day together with an updated list of all regular members of RC57.
- All regular and affiliated members of RC57 shall be entitled to nominate candidates for the Board. Nominated candidates shall be regular members of RC57. They shall confirm their preparedness to accept the respective position on the Board in case they are elected and to remain a regular member in good standing for the duration of their mandate.
- Pairs of candidates may also be nominated for the position of President, Vice Presidents or Treasurer, to function as Co-Presidents, Co-Vice Presidents or Co-Treasurers.
- Nominations will be accepted by the Elections Officer no later than fifteen weeks before the elections day.
- Each nomination must include the following: Name, affiliation, postal address and email; A brief statement (one paragraph) on what the nominee feels that he/she would contribute to RC57; A brief statement (one paragraph) summarizing research interests and experience; The name of another RC57 regular member who recommends the nomination.
- Upon the close of nominations, and no later than ten weeks before the elections day the Elections Officer will send to all regular and affiliated members a complete list of all nominees and the positions stood for to the membership of RC57. This will be accompanied by the names, affiliations and statements by all eligible candidates and a voting sheet. In case of several nominations for the same position, the nominated candidates shall be listed in alphabetical order. This voting sheet is to enable postal voting for members who are unable to attend the forthcoming World Congress.
- The deadline for receipt of postal votes will be four weeks before the elections date. Postal votes received later than four weeks before the elections date shall not be counted. Postal votes should be completed on a voting form issued by the Elections Officer, according to the instructions on the voting slip. They should be placed in a sealed envelope with the voter's signature across the seal. The voter's name should also be clearly printed above this signature. There should be no other contents contained within the envelope. These votes will be collected and taken, still sealed, to the RC57 Business Meeting where they will be opened in the presence of two other members of the outgoing board.
- At the start of the relevant RC57 World Congress Business Meeting, regular and affiliated members in good standing who have not submitted postal votes will be invited to vote by secret ballot. The ballot will close ten minutes after the commencement of the meeting. All votes submitted in person and by post will be counted by the Elections Officer and two other members of the outgoing board. The results of the election will be announced at the end of the business meeting and will also be posted on the RC57 page of the ISA.
- The incoming Board will have its first meeting right after the announcement of the election results. In this meeting the incoming Board will nominate the board members who as of that moment will assume special responsibility for the Rachel Tanur Prize, for RC57 Newsletter and for RC57 website and social media platforms. One board member can serve in more than one role.
- Should a vacancy arise on the board between World Congresses, either through resignation or death, the following process will occur:
- The Elections Officer will notify the membership of RC57 and announce a call for election within one month of being notified of the vacancy. There will follow a four week nomination period. The call for, and submission of, nominations must follow the abovementioned guidelines for elections and nominations.
- Within one week of the close for nominations, full details of those nominated for election must be circulated to all regular and affiliated members of RC57 with an accompanying postal vote. Members will be given one calendar month to send their postal vote to the Election Officer.
- To be accepted, postal votes must be completed on the circulated voting form, according to the instructions on the voting slip. They should be placed in a sealed envelope with the voters’ signature across the seal. The voters name should also be clearly printed above this signature. There should be no other contents contained within the envelope.
- Exceptions to the above process regarding an arising vacancy:
- The above rules for the election to the board should a vacancy arise between World Congresses must be followed unless a vacancy arises in the six months prior to the next RC57 Business Meeting. Should a vacancy arise within six calendar months of the next RC57 Business Meeting, the following rules will take precedence:
- Should the vacancy arise for the position of President, Vice President (Research), or Treasurer, the board will be contacted by the Elections Officer within one week of becoming aware of the vacancy. The Officer will ask the remaining members of the board for the names of those who would be willing to temporarily fill the vacancy. Board members will then have seven days to inform the Elections Officer of their wish to be considered. If only one name is submitted the sole nominee will be appointed to fill the position on a temporary basis until an election can be held at the following World Congress according to RC57 election rules. Should there be more than one nomination, all board members in good standing will be asked to indicate their preferred interim post holder, via email, within seven days.
- Should the vacancy concern the position of the RC57 Elections Officer (Vice President, Secretary), the President shall assume the role of Elections Officer until a new post holder is elected following the above rules.
- Should the vacancy concern a Board member who holds special responsibility for the Rachel Tanur Prize and/or RC57 Newsletter and/or RC57 website and social media, the Board will transfer these responsibilities to a different Board member.
- Should the vacancy concern a general Member of the Board, the vacancy will be left open until the next RC57 Business Meeting.
- The above rules for the election to the board should a vacancy arise between World Congresses must be followed unless a vacancy arises in the six months prior to the next RC57 Business Meeting. Should a vacancy arise within six calendar months of the next RC57 Business Meeting, the following rules will take precedence:
- The President
- The President as chief executive of the RC shall preside at the meetings of the RC and its membership.
- In consultation with the Board, the President shall identify the theme for at least one mid-term conference and shall take responsibility for the organization or co-organization of these inter-Congress meetings.
- The President will be responsible for seeing that the sessions of the RC at the ISA meetings are organized and announced.
- The President will initiate and carry out policies in conformity to the RC's purpose as specified by the Officers and at the request of the membership.
- The President will appoint committees or individuals, who will serve at his or her pleasure, to perform in capacities related to the RC's activities.
- The President will serve as the RC representative to the Research Council of the ISA.
- The President will act as co-administrator and moderator of the Visual Sociology listerv.
- Vice President (Secretary)
- The Vice President (Secretary) assists the President and the Vice President (Research) in decisions concerning the organization and sponsorship of RC57's meetings, seminars, workshops, and publications.
- The Vice President (Secretary) is responsible for keeping an updated membership list.
- The Vice President (Secretary) is responsible for communicating RC57's activities through the group's Listserv and its Newsletter.
- The Vice President (Secretary) is the administrator of the Visual Sociology listerv. In this role they moderate the list and will ensure that all new members are subscribed.
- The Vice President (Secretary) serves as RC57's Elections Officer.
- The Vice President (Research)
- The Vice President (Research) assists the President and the Vice President (Secretary) in decisions concerning the organization and sponsorship of RC57's meetings, seminars, workshops, and publications.
- The Vice President (Research) is responsible for leading the publications profile of RC57.
- The Vice President (Research) will strive to recruit members to expand the international scope of membership.
- The Treasurer
- The Treasurer manages the disbursements of RC57's expenses from the members' dues, collected on RC57's behalf by ISA.
- The Treasurer works under the supervision of the Board to which he/she presents an annual report. Annual reports will be submitted to the Board on RC57's Business Meetings or on July 1st in years when Business Meetings are not convened.
- The Board Members
- The Board Members will recruit members regionally to expand the international scope of membership.
- The Board Members will participate in co-organizing RC57's general meetings as session and workshop organizers, will collaborate in initiating and organizing ad-hoc RC57 activities between ISA world Congresses and Forums, and will promote papers presented in RC57 meetings into high standard academic publications.
- The Board Members will advise the President and Vice-Presidents when solicited.
- The board member with special responsibility for the Rachel Tanur prize will form a committee of at least five RC57 members to serve as jury for each competition, and will make sure the competition's rules (as published on ISA website) are kept.
- The board member with special responsibility for RC57 Newsletter will edit at least 2 issues per year.
- The board member with special responsibility for RC57's website and social media will keep these platforms updated with relevant information.
- The board member who is First Prize Winner of the Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize (appointment for 2 years) shares the same responsibility as listed in points 1 and 2 above. In addition they will be responsible for encouraging students to participate in the Rachel Tanur Prize competition and will serve as a jury member in the next competition following the one that they won.
- Ex-President
- Gives advice and support to the President, and completes projects initiated as President, in cooperation with and under the direction of the President.
- The President, Vice President (Secretary) and Vice President (Research) constitute the Executive.
- The Executive meets at least once every four years before the Business Meeting to set general policy for the RC.
- Major new activities undertaken by the RC must be approved by the Executive.
- The membership of occasional seminars or workshops sponsored or co-sponsored by the RC should reflect its international composition.
- Individual members who wish to organize a seminar or workshop may present their ideas, proposed date, time, and place to the Executive, who will circulate the idea to the Board for their opinions.
- The Business Meeting of the members shall be held in conjunction with the ISA meetings, and at least once in every 4-year World Congress cycle.
- Announcement of the Business Meeting will be mailed to all members at least three months in advance, along with a tentative agenda of business.
- Action may be taken at the Business Meeting by a plurality of members present, including voting for officers. On any issue, a majority (over half) of members present may request a secret ballot.
- A written petition of 20 members to the Executive can institute a mail ballot to the membership on any issue.
- RC57 welcomes the efforts of other ISA groups, as well as international and national organizations to promote the meeting of scholars to encourage their research in visual sociology.
- RC57 seeks to cooperate with such organizations on issues of common interest through joint program sponsorship or such other activities as will serve to advance its purpose.
- Any proposal for amendments to the Statutes may be made by any member of the Board, or by any twenty RC57 members in good standing.
- Such a proposal must be received by the Board at least one year before the next RC57 business meeting.
- The proposal will be circulated among all RC57 members, together with an explanation of its rationale, at least six months before the next RC57 business meeting. The Board will be entitled to propose amendments, to be circulated at least two months before the business meeting.
- The proposed amendments will be put to the General Meeting, and adopted if approved by majority (51%) of members in good standing.