ISA Forum of Sociology

Program Committee

  1. Allison LOCONTO (Chair), ISA Vice-President for Research & 5th ISA Forum President, France
  2. Geoffrey PLEYERS, ISA President, Belgium
  3. Abdelfattah EZZINE, LOC President, Morocco
  4. Debra DAVIDSON, ISA EC Member, Canada
  5. Ismail KASSOU, LOC Member, Morocco
  6. Abdelatif KIDAI, LOC Member, Morocco
  7. Tina UYS, ISA EC Member, South Africa
  8. Mina KLEICHE-DRAY, External Expert and Deputy Director of the Social Sciences Department at the National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, France
  9. Fadma AIT MOUS, External Expert and Charged with the development of research on the Social Sciences and Humanities Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco