5th ISA Forum of Sociology

Call for Integrative Sessions

Integrative Sessions are semi-plenaries that engage a debate on the common theme of the 5th ISA Forum of Sociology, “Knowing Justice in the Anthropocene.” [1]

Integrative Sessions can be proposed by:[2]

  • at least three (3) Research Committees, Working Groups, Thematic Groups (RCs/WGs/TGs)
  • or at least two (2) RCs/WGs/TGs and any number of National Associations (ISA collective members)

Proposals for integrative sessions must be sent in an attached PDF document to isa@isa-sociology.org, with the following information:

  • the name of each of the participating RCs/WGs/TGs or Association
  • the name and e-mail of the contact person from each unit
  • the name and e-mail of the session organizer (up to three)
  • It should also provide, in a maximum of 250 words, a description of:
    • the problematic which will be addressed
    • how the participating units will contribute to an integrative reflection about the 5th ISA Forum of Sociology Theme
    • the names of the proposed speakers and their topics
  • Signature of the President of each participating RC/WG/TG or Association

The Integrative Sessions will be held at 17:00h - 18:45h from Tuesday, July 8 to Thursday, July 10, 2025.

The deadline for submitting proposals will be October 1 2024, 24:00h UTC/GMT, and the selection of a maximum of 6 proposals will be done by the Forum Program Committee.

The selection decision will be communicated by October 11, 2024.

Selection criteria

Qualification Criteria:

  • Three or more RCs/WGs/TGs or two or more RCs/WGs/TGs & National Associations (ISA regular collective members).
  • The topic of the session addresses the 5th Forum Theme “Knowing Justice in the Anthropocene.”

Quality Criteria (graded on a Likert 5-point scale):

  • Geographic Diversity of the Speakers
  • Gender Balance of the Speakers
  • Relevance of the topic to the Forum Theme
  • Diversity of RCs/WGs/TGs & Associations

[1] RC/WG/TG participation in an integrative session is in addition to the regular sessions’ allocation.

[2] No more than two submissions should be made by the same RC/WG/TG or Association.